Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hands on Bay Area updates- go volunteer

Nonprofits Unite!
HandsOn Bay Area friends and nonprofit partners, is your favorite Bay Area organization looking to raise funds online, use social media to drive advocacy, and turn your followers into fundraisers? Learn how at Social Media for Nonprofits and Nonprofit Boot Camp in San Francisco on October 10 & 11. Join us at the biggest Nonprofit gathering of the year in the Bay Area! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Volunteer at these events and network with colleagues in the nonprofit sector!
PL Spotlight - Kayleigh Marshall
What's your favorite HOBA project? My favorite project would have to be anything with gardening. Before coming to HOBA, I had no idea how to do anything related to gardening except pulling weeds. I slowly learned how to... Read more here... 
Want Better Physical and Mental Health? Volunteer!
UnitedHealth Group's new study 'Doing Good is Good for You: 2013 Heath and Volunteering Study' reveals that 76 percent of U.S. adults who volunteer report that volunteering has made them feel physically healthier, and 78 percent report that volunteering lowers their levels of stress, leading to feeling better than adults who do not volunteer. The study also states that employers also benefit from employees who volunteer in terms of better employee health and in professional-skills development that employees use in the workplace. (Don't you feel better already?) Read more here...
Project Leaders Needed
Project Leaders, please check the list for the projects in October that still need a Project Leader. For those who would like to become a Project Leader, please contact Julie at
Looking for Something Different?
Is it time to mix it up a little? Maybe try a new project you haven't tried before but always wanted to or maybe try a brand new HOBA project? Well, now is the time! HOBA has some new projects on the calendar and some others that are still trying to get some attention. When you are looking for your next project in SF, maybe give one of these projects a try? Special Olympics Bowling, Special Olympics Floor Hockey, or Curry Senior Center. In the East Bay, why not try Urban Tilth and in the South Bay, how about Habitat for Humanity ReStore, or Books Aloud? Can't wait to see some new faces at these awesome projects!
Have you met your Match?
HOBA is proud to announce we have won a Sobrato Family Foundation matching grant! Every new gift, increased gift (more than your gift last year) or renewed gift (a gift this year if you didn't give in 2012) will be matched up to a total of $20K! Double your donating pleasure online now. Thanks!

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