Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Daily Motivator

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Richer and richer

The way to be rich is to realize how rich you are. The way to
be rich is to express and to live the unique abundance that
is yours.

It's not what you get that makes you rich. It's what you do
with all you have.

The way to be truly rich is to make good, meaningful use of
what you have. The way to be exceptionally rich is to be
generous with all that you are.

The abundance of the universe is literally everywhere. What
transforms that abundance into real richness is your choice
to make purposeful, loving use of it.

Each day is overflowing with possibilities for new richness.
See the best possibilities, act on them, and find true
delight in making life richer and richer.

Make joyful use of each moment, and sincerely give the best
of who you are. Live a life that is rich indeed.


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