Monday, November 25, 2013

Do you and your contractor speak the same language?

Do You and Your Contractor
Speak The Same Language?
When I get calls from clients or potential clients and listen to what they are describing as the problem, I have to remind myself that we don’t always speak the same language. I not talking about languages like English, Spanish, or French; I only speak English. What I have to take into consideration is that the words you use to explain the problem may mean something entirely different to me, the contractor.
Here is one of the most common mix-ups that I run into.
I got a call from a woman who had a leak in her kitchen sink. Leaks can be something that can cause all sorts of water damage, even dry rot if not detected and repaired in the early stages. Leaks can be in the water line which will be a constant stream of water. A water running not leaking.drainage leak can cause moisture to get into things when the drain is being used and stop when the use ends.
So the word “leak” has a certain meaning; moisture is getting into places where it should not be.
Often times the word, leak, is used in a different fashion. This woman assured me her kitchen sink was leaking but wasn’t able to understand and answer the questions that I had: Is the water on the floor? Is the moisture always there? Have you shut off the water?
I thought it best to just drive by and see it myself. Grabbing some tools that I would likely need, I thought I was prepared. She showed the problem to me – the faucet was dripping! It was dripping out of the faucet into the sink and down the drain.

Her understanding of a “leak”, I would consider a “drip”, or “running”, or “won’t shut off”. So it is important that we try to best describe the problem, as well as the solution to the situation. Good communication will go a long way in getting and keeping clients.
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