Friday, August 9, 2013 for a business?

Aug 9, 2013, 12:25pm PDT

Fremont launches a for businesses and open real estate
The landing page image on the East Bay City of Fremont's new business and economic development website. Click here for a look at some of the companies currently based in Fremont.
Economic Development Reporter- Silicon Valley Business Journal
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The East Bay City of Fremont has been gunning for development driven by a growing cluster of cleantech companies — Tesla Motors' sprawling factory among them — and is now doubling down with a new business-focused website.
The site,, appeals to real estate brokers, investors, developers and businesses (both startups and large firms). It is set up as a clearinghouse for information about business incentives, open property listings and an overview of the city's development goals.
“Our challenge is that we haven’t always been embraced as Silicon Valley proper,” Fremont Economic Development Director Kelly Kline told me this spring. “We say, ‘no, we’re in the heart of (Silicon Valley).’”
To this end, the new website includes sections tailored to specific types of companies, such as advanced manufacturers, life science and cleantech businesses. From there, those interested can see potentially available incentives or enter a portal to find available real estate.
Fremont is now home to 110 industrial businesses, including 30 cleantech companies, according to a statement announcing the new website.
Lauren Hepler covers economic development, sports, and hospitality for the Silicon Valley Business Journal. She can be reached at 408.299.1820


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