Sunday, August 11, 2013

Show and tell marketing

“Show and Tell” Makes Your Mortgage Industry Brand More Engaging!

show and tell mortgage branding
Remember “show and tell?” Think back to when you were just a child in grade school. It’s your first day of class after summer break…and your new teacher asks you to “show and tell” about your vacation later that week. Maybe you went to Disneyworld, so you bring to class pictures and objects from Epcot Center and the 3 favorite countries you visited. Then you explain what the objects represent and what you liked best about each of your favorite countries. Pretty cool and engaging, right? Now, think about this…what if all you did was the “telling” part. Would the impact on your classmates and teacher have been as great? Of course not. Your story would have been nowhere near as dynamic and likely would have bored them.
"Customer Experience Management and Brand ROI"Mortgage Industry White Paper
It’s too bad that this very simple but very important childhood lesson on the art of engaging your audience has been lost in adulthood as we strive to build our personal and corporate brands.
Let me explain…
Think about your company, whether you’re a mortgage company, title company, appraisal firmclaiming your company distinction or what have you…what claims do you make on your website and in other sales materials? Do you give any evidence to support these claims?
If you take a look at a handful of randomly selected companies in the mortgage industry, here are some common claims of distinction they share…
  • nationally accredited mortgage advisors
  • fast, personal service
  • exceptional service
  • among the fastest growing mortgage companies
  • reliable service
  • friendly experts
  • our strength lies in the knowledge and experience of our loan officers
  • loan officers are responsive
  • professional
  • customer service is our priority
  • remarkable customer service
  • industry leading turn-around time
  • dedicated to making your job easier
  • innovative approach
  • unmatched innovation
  • excellent rates
These are all really nice things to say. In fact, they are so nice that several sound similar and variations of these statements are used just about everywhere. So what level of importance does your audience assign to ANY of these? Probably not much as they continue to investigate, seeking out the proof of these claims that you aren’t providing them at their fingertips. By themselves, these statements are fairly unremarkable. It’s like the “tell” without the “show.” If you simply add in the “show” to prove what you’re saying is true, think of what a different experience it would be for your online visitors! Now you would be giving them a reason to actually contact you over someone else, halting their search, pulling them in to learn more. One of the central tenets of conveying your corporate brand is showing proof that what you say is based in reality. In the brand development phase, it’s certainly legitimate to say you have “unmatched innovation” or that you have “exceptional service.” But, if you’re going to hang your hat on such statements, then show some proof that they are actually true. For example, if you tout “unmatched innovation,” could you link to an article in Mortgageprove your mortgage brand Technology or an interview appearing in one of the primary mortgage industry trade publications that backs this up…and is reasonably recent? If you can, that’s great! Don’t hide it somewhere else on your site…just provide the link right then and there when you state it. If you tout “exceptional service” as a benefit to doing business with you, then you might consider providing a hot link to several video testimonials speaking to this from both referrers and applicants. Otherwise it’s just another “ho-hum” if there’s nothing to back it up.
A brand is what we define as “a claim of distinction backed up by the evidence of performance.”
Here are several ways you can consider backing up your statements…
  • Articles
  • Interviews
  • Video testimonials
  • Pictures
  • Pictures with voice over
  • Slide show
  • Written testimonials
  • Case studies
  • Descriptive landing page(s)
Can you think of any others? If so, please share them in the “comments” section!
"Customer Experience Management and Brand ROI"Mortgage Industry White Paper


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