Monday, September 23, 2013

FireEye sizzles on wall street after 303 M IPO

Sep 20, 2013, 6:47am PDT Updated: Sep 20, 2013, 2:07pm PDT

FireEye sizzles on Wall Street after $303.6M IPO

Senior Technology Reporter- Silicon Valley Business Journal
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Data security software provider FireEye was the darling of Wall Street early on Friday when its stock more than doubled after a $303.6 million IPO.
The IPO shares of the Milpitas-based company led by CEO David DeWalt sold at $20 on Thursday, giving the company a $2.3 billion valuation, but soared as high as $44.75 in Friday morning trading. Its stock closed at $36.
FireEye's offering was one of two hot IPOs by Silicon Valley companies on Thursday. Advertising technology company Rocket Fuel's stock also doubled after it stock raised $116 million in an IPO.
FireEye plans to use the money to expand its work force and push ahead with sales, marketing and product development.
The company's loss more than doubled last year to $35.8 million, despite a 147 percent jump in revenue to $83.3 million.
FireEye raised more than $100 million in venture funding since it was founded in 2004. Backers include Sequoia Capital, Norwest Venture Partners, In-Q-Tel, Silicon Valley Bank and others.

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