on Career & Longevity seen through Mitch Joel’s New Book, Ctrl Alt
By Nilofer Merchant on Jun 11, 2013 03:12 pm
Creating Career Longevity Isn’t About Length of Years.
“He’s switched jobs every three or four years…shouldn’t we disqualify
“Maybe he’s not good at stability.”
“Maybe he’s not loyal.”
The team was hesitating about a job candidate. As we
hovered around our speakerphones in different geographies, our doubts
grew. Spending a lot of time in one job has long been a measure of
And while each of us knows that success in today’s economy
is not necessarily about sticking around for the gold watch, we may not
realize how much job tenure has changed. In 2012, according to the
Bureau of Labor Statistics, wage and salary workers had been with
their current employer for a median of 4.6 years. And that number
doesn’t capture the freelancers and solopreneurs (nearing 50% of the US
economy) who live in a gig economy; on oDesk for example, an online workplace
for freelancers, the average assignment lasts 33.5 days. So in fact,
the 3-4 year tenures of our job candidate, above, were not unusual and
depending on optics, could even be a long-term commitment.
The real question is this: we does a “successful career”
looks like in the Social Era? Right about this time of
year, you’ll see or have seen countless great commencement speeches as
young people embark on their career. They’ll talk about being
entrepreneurial, pursuing your dreams, and even “leaning in”. Most of those sentiments
are right for those just entering the workforce. But what about the
rest of us? A new book by Mitch Joel, a fellow Harvard columnist
entitled Ctrl alt del offers us relevant advice
on modern work. It answers the question, what does career longevity
mean today?
3 pieces of advice from him:

Don’t be a luddite. A CEO of an ecommerce company recently
remarked to me, “Why would I need to be on Twitter? I have plenty of
ways to be connected to the right people.” I remember shaking my head
wondering how to explain the value of trying new things. Whatever you
choose to call it, the connected economy, the relationship economy, or the social era, it is emphatically
clear that the rules of value creation have changed. It is, in
management jargon, a paradigm change. To understand a new paradigm, you
can’t just sit back and observe it to understand it, you have to live
it, to embody it. Or, as Mitch advises in the book, stay really
aware of technology, trends and the impact those things are having on
the world. “Don’t be the one who says you’ll never join Facebook. Act
like a digital native (even if you are a digital immigrant) by trying
it, tinkering with it, and even if need be, pretending it is the
greatest thing since sliced bread.” This will keep you understanding
what Is going on enough to decide you want to participate in the new
Share. You – as an individual – now have unprecedented
numbers of spaces to create and share who you are and how you think.
Beyond that, you now have unprecedented numbers of community spaces to
connect to like-minded people. “It’s critical that you spend some of
your time formulating your thoughts and publishing them online,” says
Mitch. “It’s not about creating an online resume, or becoming famous.
It’s about critical thinking and gaining a better understanding of what
it means to make your thoughts sharable and findable.” It’s not enough,
he would probably argue, to have your thoughts in a journal, or talk
them through with your professional networking group because the idea
is to allow others who are like-minded to find you. Don’t contain that
to a geography or small circle because work is often geography
independent. Take the editor in Boston, you can work with anyone around
the world. Or, the professor in Michigan can teach globally. Sharing is
the way this lets you be seen, and find others.
Avoid Ghettos. When thinking about where to work, avoid the business
that claims to be moving in the direction of becoming a more social
business, what they often mean is a social media department within
another department (like marketing). They don’t get that social is more than media. Or they use
the terms social media to mean social business, and lack the understanding of the differences and distinctions.
“This is the ghetto-ization of the social spirit, and will ultimately
lead to failure.” writes Joel. When social is implemented throughout an
enterprise, it becomes a seismic shift that let’s values fuel value. In
other words, Mitch says, “it is not a campaign … It is who you are, as
a business.” Of course, as consumers, can tell when organizations use
social as an add-on effort, or genuinely. Watching AT&T
persistently apologize for poor service on Twitter (but never fix anything) is almost
worse than if they just avoided social tools. For each of our
businesses and our careers to have relevance, we have to remember one
basic truth: humans love working with and buying from other humans.
Social isn’t a single strategy, it’s a way of being. When you are
social, you will be listening loudly to the market, learning with them,
and possibly even co-creating value. Being social, therefore, means
you’ll stay relevant and solve the right problems. There is no greater
protection for one’s career than this.
The bottom line?
Your career should not be measured by longevity at one
company; that’s a relic of industrial era thinking. We live in a world
where important projects get done in short periods of time. The
important issue is how you remain relevant, so that you have longevity
in your career choices. The most successful entrepreneurs and business
people don’t have linear career paths. We no longer have ladders to
ascend, but interconnected webs of opportunities to play on. What the
past generation would call jumping around from job-to-job is actually
the modern generation being impatient for results. And as long as
you are achieving those, you’ll have career longevity.
Now some of you already know that Mitch Joel and I have known each
other for a few years. As we’ve shared our work, our ideas, and talked
through problems, we’ve become friends. A few weeks back, he and I
jumped on a call together and we agreed to share that conversation, here. In so many ways, Mitch truly
embodies that which he teaches, which is one key aspect of why I trust
him. I hope you’ll love his book as much as I did, buy it here .
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