Friday, June 28, 2013

5 Reasons to not ignore your credit

5 Reasons Why You Can't Ignore Your Credit

PHOTO: The consequences of living without a credit score can have a real impact, particularly for people in a crisis.
Getty Images
"Living debt free" is a nice slogan, and beyond that it's something we should all aspire to. Unfortunately, some people couple this concept with living credit free. That is a far different story.
For most people credit still represents something that happens to us, rather than something we can build, nurture, manage and protect like an investment portfolio.
A lot of folks simply don't like the idea of credit or the fact that banks and other organizations collect information about us in order to determine whether or not we are worthy borrowers. It feels unfair -- like they are having conversations behind our backs, and when they make mistakes, it can be difficult to fix the problems.
Nevertheless, credit and the evolving system that shapes it -- whether it's the creation of new credit scoring models or the changing standards of lending institutions -- can either stifle or advance economic growth and is (for better or worse) a reality in our lives. While it is not impossible to live without a credit score, the unforeseen consequences of doing so can have a real impact, particularly for people in a crisis.
Consider these instances where having a credit history can enhance our lives:
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