I was an attractive 5' 4" 18 year old when I moved to
New York City to chaise my dream of being an actress and model. Everyone,
including my parents, said I would never make it. Although I was attractive, I
just was not tall enough to make it in one of the most difficult industries to
break into. Well as you can imagine, I would not let someone's poor advice to
not chaise your dream stop me. I moved to New York, lived in a women's home,
made as many cold calls as humanly possible and never looked back. How'd I do? I
became the top producing model and actress in my agency, did multiple national
add campaigns, including Milk, Dupont, Kellogg's and many others. I even
appeared on the David Letterman Show...
What kept me going? I never gave up! We all need a little motivation once in
a while so I thought I would share one of the most inspirational speeches I've
ever heard delivered by the ever famous Al Pacino. I hope you enjoy it and it
helps you to continue to chaise your dreams!
Lisa Virkus - Founder and CEO of Find the Capital
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