Sunday, March 31, 2013

Gratitude !! Happy Easter Passover and a day of peace


Today I reflect about gratitude defined in Wiki as

Gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. The experience of gratitude has historically been a focus of several world religions,[1] and has been considered extensively by moral philosophers such as Adam Smith.

Well my definition is an open thankfulness an acknowledgement of those people and places (locations and times in our lives) we pine to hug, smile towards and show appreciation. In our lives things come at limited characters, quickly at us and it tends to make sharing our gratitude much more of a practiced task. One I feel for me I do not do enough. None of us are alone we touch, share, connect and participate together in life. I am focused on sharing my gratitude with those on my journey. This includes the young lass who noticed I dropped $5 out of my pocket and gave it back, Greg my server at Terrone, my beautiful wife and boys, sister, brother and so many others. We take pride at being our own people but let us all appreciate and thanks those that shape us daily or in the past. My parents were a gift in my life and they are gone I have gratitude for their sacrifices and love. My family is through my life and friends and acquaintances have a big impact. I network with one man who took the time to share some communication tips for me thanks Artie. Let us perceive these gifts and each day of the year (not just Easter or Passover) thank, write a note, hug, tell them we love them and share our gratitude.


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