April 2, 2013
Bill Coleman,
CEO & Chairman, Resilient Networks; Partner, Alsop Louie Partners
Sandra Kurtzig,
Chairman & CEO, Kenandy
Deborah Perry
Piscione, Founder & CEO, Desha Productions; Author,
"Secrets of Silicon Valley"
Paul Wiefels,
Co-founder & Managing Director, The Chasm Group
Moderator: Michael Malone,
Author, Journalist
Time: 6:00
PM Registration | 6:00 PM Hors d'Oeuvres | 7:00 PM Program
Silicon Valley Bank | Directions
An updated, behind-the-scenes look at the magic of Silicon Valley. What
can other regions learn today from the innovation capital of the world? What
can they emulate? What should they avoid? Join moderator Mike Malone, famed
author and journalist; speakers Bill Coleman, Co-founder & Managing Editor,
The Chasm Group; Deborah Perry Piscione, Entrepreneur and Author of
"Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Everyone Else Can Learn from the
Innovation Capital of the World”; Sandra Kurtzig, CEO of Kenandy, one of
Silicon Valley’s first female chief executives and the first one to take a
technology company public; and Paul Wiefels, co-founder and managing partner
of The Chasm Group; for this enlightening discussion.

Advance Price:
Member $35 | Nonmember $60
On-site Price:
Member $45 | Nonmember $70
Corporate Members
Corporate passes will be accepted for this event. We ask that if you register
using corporate passes, please do so 72 business hours in advance. We thank
you for your cooperation!
April 9, 2013
Jason Hoffman,
Founder & CTO, Joyent
Dennis Quan,
VP SmartCloud, IBM
Stephen David
Spears, SVP & GM, Application, Development, Integration
and IT Management Software Organization, SAP
Don Whittington,
CIO, Florida Crystals
Moderator: Avery Lyford,
Managing Director, Propell Solutions
Time: 6:00
PM Registration & Hors d'Oeuvres | 7:00 PM Program | 8:30 PM Event
SAP | Directions
Cloud and virtualization remain high on the IT “hot” list, in the quest
to realize the promise of a more responsive, lower-cost IT infrastructure.
This panel of experts will contribute their latest insights toward
understanding and surmounting the major obstacles of the day: the
challenges of running applications on cloud servers; spinning up business
processes more easily, and responding to the ever-changing market demands.
Don’t miss this candid conversation on the state of cloud computing and the
potential for cloud computing to drive the top line.


Advance Price:
Member $35 | Nonmember $50
On-site Price:
Member $50 | Nonmember $70
Limited seating
available. Please register early.
Corporate Members
Corporate passes are not accepted, but you can register at the member rate.
April 11, 2013
Joe DiNucci,
Proposition Team Captain, Professional Coach; Partner,
Enabling Thought Leadership
Stacey Chang,
Director, Health & Wellness Practice, IDEO
Gary Lauer,
Chairman & CEO, eHealth
NEW! Malay Gandhi, Chief Strategy
Officer, Rock Health
Mike Malone,
Opposition Team Captain American author, columnist at The Economist, Wall Street Journal,
and New York Times,
former editor, Forbes
Bruce Jenett,
Partner, DLA Piper (Life Sciences)
Robert Obana,
Executive Director & CEO, NCIRE, The Veterans Health Research
Time: 5:30
PM Registration | 5:30 PM Hors d'Oeuvres & Reception | 7:00 PM
Program | 8:15 PM Champagne & Dessert | 9:00 PM Event Concludes
Santa Clara University Mayer Theater | Directions
Disease, infections, aging population, healthcare access and cost.
Some people see healthcare as a crisis. Others see opportunity. While
Washington wrestles with rising health care costs, Silicon Valley’s
engineers and scientists are dealing in molecules, sensors, and other
technologies to radically improve healthcare treatments, options and outcomes.
Yet some observe that the science/engineering/innovation mindset will not
solve the crisis— that, in fact, the most serious challenges in
healthcare are not that rational.
Join us for an evening of persuasion, rhetoric and wit, as Churchill Club
and Santa Clara University present the second annual Oxford Union debate
on a big topic that matters to us all—with strong opinions on both sides
of the argument.
Podium Sponsor:

Advance Price:
Member $54 | Nonmember $79
On-site Price:
Member $70 | Nonmember $95
Corporate Members
Corporate passes will be accepted for this event. We ask that if you
register using corporate passes, please do so 72 business hours in
advance. We thank you for your cooperation!
April 12,
Colin Mayer,
Peter Moores Professor of Management Studies & Former Dean, Oxford
University’s Saïd Business School; Author, Firm Commitment: Why the Corporation is Failing
Us and How to Restore Trust in It
Kim Polese,
Chairman, Clearstreet; Serial Entrepreneur
Time: 7:30
AM Registration | 8:00 AM Program | 9:00 AM Program Concludes
Citrix Conference Center | Directions
The corporation as an entity is absolutely essential to economic and
societal growth. Over the years, corporate priorities have shifted from
founder vision and values to making its shareholders and executives as
wealthy as possible. As a result, the corporation is now one of the
least trusted entities—effectively blocked from reaching its economic
Colin Mayer, one of the world's leading corporate scholars and
educators of next-generation entrepreneurs, and Kim Polese, one of
Silicon Valley's best known and respected serial entrepreneurs, will
discuss new ways of restoring corporate vision and values as a means to
achieving greater economic results—at the same time contributing to
societal benefit and creating new sources of entrepreneurship and innovation.
Don't miss this insightful and inspiring discussion that will change
your way of thinking about the corporate entity.

Price: Member $28 | Nonmember $48
On-site Price:
Member $40 | Nonmember $60
Corporate passes will be accepted for this event. We ask that if you
register using corporate passes, please do so 72 business hours in
advance. We thank you for your cooperation!
April 25,
Aaron Levie,
CEO, Box
Tony Zingale,
CEO, Jive
Moderator: Ashley Vance,
Technology Writer, Bloomberg Businessweek
Time: 6:30
PM Registration | 7:30 PM Program | 9:00 PM Program Concludes
Rosewood Sand Hill | Directions
Huge infrastructure changes are underfoot as mobile, cloud, big
data, and social technologies converge in the enterprise. Can this
change fundamentally affect productivity and improve how work gets
done? If so, why isn’t it happening faster? Has anyone yet cracked
the code? Where are the biggest opportunities for innovation and
economic growth, and what will be possible in 5 or 10 years that
isn't possible today?

Price: Member $73 | Nonmember $95
On-site Price:
Member $98 | Nonmember $120
Corporate passes will be accepted for this event. We ask that if you
register using corporate passes, please do so 72 business hours in
advance. We thank you for your cooperation!
Club Prime Minister Plus Members
click www.churchillclub.org
If you experience any problems in registering, please email info@churchillclub.org
from Churchill Club Email Alerts
Manage your email profile here
Has your contact information changed?
Be sure to update your profile online, via phone 408.265.0130 or
(name, address, phone, and company info) to ensure proper delivery
of receipts, and correct notation on your name badge at Churchill
Club events.
Churchill Club | 3150
Almaden Expy # 214 | San Jose, CA 95118-1253 | +1 408.265.0130
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