Monday, June 10, 2013

John Hagel - Trust as success factor in organizational learning

Trust as a Success Factor in Organizational Learning

John Hagel

During his Social Capitalist interview, conducted in conjunction with his Deloitte Center for the Edge co-researcher and co-founder John Seely Brown, business strategist and consultant John Hagel explained why trust is such a critical factor in your organization’s ability to learn and adapt successfully.
I think this is one of the reasons that we put so much emphasis on a specific “soft” skill, which is how you build trust-based relationships.
Many years ago, [Brown] made the formulation that tacit knowledge doesn’t flow – it’s very sticky. It’s within ourselves, within our heads, and we’re very reluctant to share it or to even expose it unless we trust the people we’re with.
This is because within the process of trying to access that tacit knowledge, we’re going to stumble, we’re going to fumble, we’re not always going to have the right words. So we’re definitely not going to attempt to access it if we don’t trust the people we’re with. If you can’t build those trust-based relationships, you’re going to have a very hard time accessing this tacit knowledge – and in a rapidly changing world, the tacit knowledge is where a lot of the value and insight is.
Think about the explicit knowledge that’s written in textbooks. It takes a year, two years, three years to get that textbook out, but by the time it’s out and written and codified, it’s old news.
The new stuff is in people’s heads – the stuff that they’ve just experienced – and it’s in accessing the new stuff that trust-based relationships become so central.
To read the full transcript of John’s Social Capitalist interview, click here. To listen to this and other Social Capitalist podcasts, download them at iTunes.

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