Sunday, June 30, 2013

Get Motivated by Success David Bach

Get Motivated By Success!

Check out this amazing success story I received from Julian Smith who decided to take action and apply the strategies in Debt Free For Life to change his life forever. It’s stories like this that keep me doing what I do and I hope inspire you to better your own financial life.
“Two years ago while flying from California to Charleston, S. C. I purchased David’s book Debt free for Life. This book ended up an epiphany for me. I had been sick with thyroid cancer for years undiagnosed and done a flip house and had charged up to $75,000 in debt. Spending thousand of dollars trying to find a cure for my illness and charging all this debt on a flip house in a bad economy. I was lost on how to get out of debt. After finding out what was wrong with me and getting the proper medical attention I was back on the track. Finding David’s book truly helped me get back in financial order.
I gathered all my credit cards and did a spread sheet and began paying off my debt using your DOLP system. This strategy paid off! Now two year’s have passed and all my credit card debt is paid off ($75,000!!). This was a very difficult time in my life and I did not want my family to know the situation with my debt. The stress of all that debt is gone.

My next goal is to pay off all my mortgage debt. I plan on using David’s strategies on paying down the debt and get free of all that debt and enjoy the rest of my life. I would recommend that all college students read this book or anyone having financial problems. It is truly life changing. Last week I read the book for a third time and went to the chapter on web-sites and free money. Well! I found an old insurance policy that was not returned to me and found money for 14 friends and family members. I have told many friends and business associates about the book. I look forward to meeting David in person one day to personally thank him for his help!
Thank you!
Julian Smith”
Share YOUR success story with me and help motivate others to Live and Finish Rich by CLICKING HERE
Live Rich,
David Bach

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