Monday, April 22, 2013

Leaning carpet stains some tips

Cleaning Carpet Stains – Tips for Doing It Right

by John Murray

Carpet plays an important role in making your home look neat and clean. This is one reason why regular carpet cleaning is recommended (and necessary). Moreover, you need to be careful with materials and substances that can stain your carpet. Even after taking utmost care, you might still end up spilling a liquid or dropping a substance on your beautiful carpet and hence causing a stain; and even a small stain can really destroy the look of your carpet and make it look unclean. So, stains need to be attended to and cleaned as quickly as possible. Here are some tips on cleaning carpet stains:

  1. Act immediately:
    1. As soon as you spill a liquid or drop a liquid substance that can cause a stain, blot the area with a white paper towel. This will prevent the stain from spreading and will make cleaning easier for you. This kind of simple blotting is used generally for coffee, tea and juice stains. For stains that are caused by some non-liquid or semi-liquid substances, you might need to dampen the cloth before using it for blotting. For oily or greasy substances a suitable solvent is used for dampening the cloth before using it for blotting the stain. In fact, you should plan for such contingencies and have such solvents available in your home at all times.
    2. For solid substances like cakes etc, the first step is to carefully scrape off the solid substance as much as you can. Be careful to not spread it around or else cleaning the stain will become a really tough job for you.
    Immediate blotting or scraping is one of the most important parts of the procedure for cleaning carpet stains. You should continue dabbing the stain with a white paper or cloth towel until you remove all excess.
  2. The second step for cleaning carpet stains: After the initial blotting or scraping, the excess liquid/solid is removed and you are left with the actual stain to deal with. Depending on the type of stain, you would use carbonated water (e.g. club soda) or detergent solution or vinegar or household ammonia or other specific stain removers for further blotting out the stain. However, plain water is used for cleaning carpet stains of all kinds. Irrespective of the cleaning agent you use, you would be using a dabbing motion for cleaning stains (no rubbing or scrubbing). Hydrogen peroxide solution is useful for cleaning carpet stains caused by spilled coffee/ tea and juices.
  3. Patience: You need to exhibit patience at each and every step of the procedure for cleaning carpet stains. Keep blotting the stain till it is completely gone. It could be a bit tiring or frustrating, but that is the only way to get rid of these stains (and remember, if you lose patience you might end up spreading the stain or making it worse).
  4. Never rub or scrub: This is the golden rule for cleaning carpet stains. When you see a stain, blot it; never rub or scrub it. Rubbing a stain will only make the stain grow bigger and cleaning the stain will get even more difficult.
  5. Special stain removing agents: If you find that the stain is not going away with the simple household measures you need to get special stain removing agents for cleaning carpet stains of that particular type (caused by that particular substance).
About the author
Chris Daniel is the webmaster and publisher of where you can get more information on Cleaning Carpet Stains and find some great Carpet Cleaning Tips

Emergency Carpet Cleaning Pet Stain Removal

by John Braun
Your elusive 12 week-old puppy walks into the living room. “Where have you been?” you ask, as if he will answer you. You immediately jump up and begin your search. Everything seems fine in the bedroom. Everything seems fine in the den. Everything is fine in the dining roo—oh no! Not your brand new Oriental rug. What are you going to do?
Time is of the essence. So, you grab your trusty bottle of miracle spot remover and spray it directly on the stain. You press a towel you grabbed from the kitchen into the stain. You rub and scrub. It doesn’t seem like it’s working, so you try more spot remover and you scrub harder. At least you’re trying to take care of the accident quickly, but now you’ve got a bigger problem. You have an even larger puddle that includes urine with spot remover added to it. Even worse, you’ve scrubbed the rug so hard the fibers look frayed and unraveled. Adding spot remover to a urine stain and brushing it in does not mean you are removing the stain. Where did the stain go? You’ve spread it in the backing of the rug.

4 Easy Steps To Emergency Pet Stain Removal

  1. Do it NOW. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to remove. It isn’t always convenient to clean up a pet stain, but your life will be much easier if you take care of it immediately. The stain could become permanent in just a few hours, especially with some light colored fibers.
  2. Use the right equipment. Use a small, hand-held carpet spotting machine or wet vacuum to extract the urine, vomit, or feces. If you find the stain while it is still damp, it is important to extract the liquid BEFORE rinsing or adding a spot remover. Some popular brands to look for are Bissel, Little Devil, and Little Green Machine. For a wet vacuum, go to any hardware department and ask for wet vacs or shop vacs.
  3. Use the proper cleaning agent AFTER the liquid has been removed. Use a low residue spot remover if the stain is fresh or an enzyme spot remover if the stain has been in the fiber for more than a few hours. A mixture of white vinegar diluted at a 1 to 3 ratio will also work in a pinch. Never use bleach. If you are using an enzyme, allow it to dwell for at least 20 minutes or according to the label. An enzyme actually digests the bacteria associated with the odor in urine and works well for spots that have been in the carpet for more than a few hours.
  4. Rinse the spot with plain water and extract the water with your wet vacuum or carpet-spotting machine. This can be done by rinsing with water from your spot removal machine or simply pouring a glass of water on the area and extracting with your wet vacuum.

What to do if these steps don’t work?

Often, the spot will be even bigger and darker when it returns. Many spot removers can leave excess residue in the carpet that attracts soil. If you experience this phenomenon of a mysterious spot returning, simply pour a cup of water on the area and extract with your carpet spotter or wet vacuum. If the spot returns again, rinse it again. To prevent this from happening in the future, use less cleaning agent. If you continue to have problems with returning spots, try a different spot removal product.
So now you’ve removed most of the stain and the odor. But, you notice a slight discoloration of yellow is still left behind. Hydrogen peroxide gentles fades discolorations from urine and vomit stains and is available in most drug stores. The solution should be misted on and allowed to dry over the course of an hour. This procedure should only be used after all attempts for removal have been made. As with any spot remover, make sure you pre-test the peroxide in an inconspicuous area before using.
The next time you don’t know where your puppy has been and he strolls into the living room to greet you, don’t be quite so alarmed. You’re now armed with the right information and right tools that will make taking care of the accident a breeze. No more worries. Your life will be so much easier.
Visit Premium Carpet Care of Pensacola, Florida at for your FREE Pet Stain Removal Guide, by John Braun, available for immediate download.

Carpet Cleaning: Sure Fire Tips

by John Murray
There’s no question that your daily or weekly vacuuming makes your carpet look fresh and newer but it’s not enough to protect your carpet from dirt, debris, and oily film deposits that go with this debris. You can’t avoid the oily debris. It comes from cooking vapor, the air, the bottoms of your feet, your pets, and a host of other places. So you’ll need to clean your carpets regularly. Follow these carpet cleaning tips to get the best job done.

Clean Frequently

Carpets should be cleaned every 12 months. This ensures that the oil film doesn’t get so thick it discolors your carpets. If you live by yourself or there’s just two of you then every 18 months will probably be suffice. If there is more than 5 of you then you’ll probably need to do your carpets every 6 months.

Hiring A Professional

You should consider hiring a professional to clean your carpets. A professional cleaner is trained, that’s why he or she is a professional and they will know which type of cleaning is best for your carpet. The professional will come with a heavy duty hot water extraction system which will be used to spray your carpets with water and detergent and then to suck back the water and oil into a tank in their vehicle.

Do It Yourself

If you decide to rent a steam cleaning machine and do your own carpets you need to realize that the rental equipment is not nearly as powerful as the pro’s equipment so you won’t get as deep a clean. You also need to realize that some of these machines can damage your carpet so be sure you know what you are renting.

Powerless Retail Rentals

Choose your retail rental carpet cleaner carefully because many of these lack power meaning you might land up with a carpet that’s too wet and not enough power to suck the water up. This could end up damaging your carpet. Make sure you do your research and that you know what you are renting

Easy On The Water

Pretend like there’s a water shortage and use water sparingly. If you use too much water and your carpets are wet for more than 24 hours you can develop mold and mildew growth which is bad for your health. Never mind those interesting odors that seep out of the carpet.

Leave No Trace

Choose a solution that leaves no or little residue behind. The PH of the cleaning solution should be around 9 and it should always be less than 10. If you are left with that sticky residue your carpets will pick up more residue and pick it up quicker.

Wool Carpets

Wool carpets are different than the synthetic blends. They require a special solution that is designed for wool and the natural fibers. Make sure the solutions PH is no higher than 8 and no lower than 5.

Stop The Stains

If your carpets are already treated with a stain resistant treatment you need you use a cleaner that’s designed to work with this treatment. Any other cleaner will destroy the stainguard treatment already on the carpets which could cause discoloration and void the warranty.

Less Dry Time

After you’ve cleaned your carpet places fans around the room to push air across the carpet. This will reduce the time it takes to dry the carpets and the risk of mold and mildew. If you have a dehumidifier use it to pull the moisture out. An air conditioner will also pull moisture out. Your carpet should be dry in 12 hours or less.
Following these carpet cleaning tips will have your carpets looking fresh and clean and it will extend their life. Carpets are expensive so the longer you can make them last the better!
John Murray makes it easy to go through the carpet buying process and provides tips to keep your carpet lasting long. To learn more and receive your free mini-course visit the carpet rugs website.

Carpet Cleaning Myths Debunked

by James C
There are many different myths about carpet cleaning circulating. Some are a little wrong and some are completely wrong. Read this article and learn about some of the carpet cleaning myths that are out there and why they are not true.
The first myth is that carpet should never be cleaned. This is just not true. Carpet will last much longer if it is cleaned and the carpet mills actually recommend annual cleanings. The only people who benefit from this myth is the carpet salesman who gets to sell more carpet when the old one wears out prematurely.
Another myth about carpet cleaning is that it is dangerous. This is just not true. Once upon a time there was thought to be a relationship between carpet cleaning and Kawasaki Syndrome but the relationship was never proven. Coincidentally many of the outbreaks occurred in houses that had carpet cleaning recently. That hardly points to carpet cleaning as the cause.
The last myth I will talk about is that carpet cleaning causes carpets to get dirty quicker. This is not true nowadays but may have been true in the past. Today carpet cleaners are able to thoroughly rinse your carpet to remove all of the soil attracting residue. Many cleaners also use chemicals today that do not leave a residue and contain no soap or detergents. So carpets do not get dirty faster after cleaning.
You can see from this article that three of the most common myths about carpet cleaning are completely untrue. If you have any concerns or questions about other carpet cleaning myths you should consult your local carpet cleaning company.
Learn more about this and Kansas City carpet cleaners at the authors website

Which Method of Carpet Cleaning Is Best?

by James C
There are many different methods of carpet cleaning. With so many methods it can be difficult to determine which one is best. So is there one method that is better than all of the others? The answer is no. Each method has its place and has a particular advantage and disadvantage. Read this article for some help on choosing the right cleaning method for you.
Do you need carpets that are dry very quickly? If you have a carpet that you can not stay off of for a long period you might want to use a dry cleaning method. Most dry cleaning methods leave the carpet dry in well under an hour. There are various dry cleaning methods and they include bonnet cleaning, shampoo cleaning and dry powder cleaning. They all do a great job of cleaning the carpet but might not be best if you have severely soiled carpet or pet stains.
Do you have severe staining or pet stains? If so you will probably want to use a steam cleaner or a hot water extraction cleaner. This method has a great flushing capability since it uses a lot of water to rinse the carpet. The disadvantage to this method is that it does take longer to dry. Drying times are typically from four to twenty four hours.
Are you sensitive to chemicals? If so you should find a cleaner who uses all natural chemicals instead of petroleum based cleaners and solvents. Natural cleaning methods are becoming more popular and many dry and steam cleaners use natural chemicals today. The disadvantage to natural cleaning is that if you have a severely soiled carpet it might not be enough to get it clean.
Hopefully this article has helped to guide you a little in choosing the right type of carpet cleaning method for you. Just do your research and make an informed decision and you will be able to choose the right one. Good luck.
Learn about carpet cleaning Charlotte at the authors website on carpet cleaning and upholstery cleaners.

A Few Cleaning Tips For Your Upholstery

by Anthony Lee
Proper cleaning is among the best way to extend and maximize the life of your upholstery. Your investment on the upholstery of your house would mean nothing if you would let trivial things like stains and odor cause premature damages. Here are a few cleaning tips that would help assure the preservation of your upholstery.
Taking off the stains doesn’t have to be painful, you just have to consider several things such as the fabric of the upholstery, the substance that has caused the stain and the duration by which the stain has stayed in the upholstery. If you are quite unsure with the type of fabric used in your upholstery, try to check on the manual or ask the manufacturer. Taking the extra mile could mean between saving your precious piece of furniture or deciding to totally discard it.
After you identify this, we suggest that you sample the cleaning material with an inconspicuous part of the upholstery. This way, any damaging effects such as discoloration may be prevented from affecting the whole surface of the upholstery.
That being said, the next thing you would want to attend to is the type of stains that are found in your upholstery. Here are some of the most common types of stains and the technique to be used in removing them:


Combine ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide and a quarter teaspoon of color safe bleach. Using a clean cloth, lightly rub the mould stain with this mixture. After which, you can wash the stain with warm water then leave to dry.


Removing coffee stain is fairly easy to do. Just combine dish detergent, water and vinegar and voila! You now have an effective stain removing agent to work with. Try not to smudge hard as this might destroy the upholstery. But if this technique doesn’t work, try to treat the material with a dry-cleaning solvent.


Immediate reaction is crucial in treating grease stain on the upholstery. Sprinkle salt, cornstarch or talcum powder on the spot where the grease is found. Rub it well and leave until the grease is absorbed. Then, brush the grease and powder off the upholstery then wipe with a damp cloth.
Finally, you have to consider the length of time the stain has remained trapped in the fabric or the upholstery material. Usually, removal of the stain from the upholstery is a lot harder the longer it has remained buried into the material. However, even the most obstinate types of stains could be removed after a few weeks or months of contaminating the upholstery.
To learn more household cleaning tips, visit

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