Tuesday, February 5, 2013

6 Quotes to inspire and more from Daniel Pink

Dear alan russell,

Welcome to the latest edition of our irregular and irreverent newsletter. In this issue, you'll find lists of great quotes and great books -- along with a couple of updates.
Let's get started . . . 
The year is now roughly one-twelfth over. And if you're like me, that means that many of your New Year's resolutions have begun to drift off the side of the road into a gravelly ditch.  But one of the great things about February -- along with its being the birth month of Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin, and Gavin McLeod -- is that it offers time for a course correction.
That's why I've updated and rearranged the quotations affixed to the wall beside my desk.  I don't look at them every day -- but when I do, they give me a little boost.  I've listed them below in the hopes they might be useful for your own February reboot.
"Being a professional is doing the things you love to do even on the days you don't feel like doing them." -- Julius Erving
"If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, you don't understand it yourself." -- Albert Einstein 
"Live as if you were already living for a second time and as if you had made the mistake you are about to make now." -- Viktor Frankl
"You don't want to be the best at what you do. You want to be the only one who does what you do." -- Jerry Garcia (probably)
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." -- Chuck Close
"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose." -- Steve Jobs
Last week, the folks at BN.com asked me to write about my 5 favorite books about work and business. You can read the whole thing on the site -- but here's the list itself (in alphabetical order by author):
1. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experiences by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
2. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
3. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
4. Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game by Michael Lewis
5. Working: People Talk About What They Do All Day and How They Feel About It by Studs Terkel
It's another good year for books, with a whole crop of interesting titles appearing in 2013. Here are 5 spring books I'll be watching or have had the opportunity to read already (also in alphabetical order by author): 
1. Happy Money: The Science of Smarter Spending by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton (May)
2. Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger (March
3. Sidetracked: Why Our Decisions Get Derailed and How We Can Stick to the Plan by Francesca Gino (March
4. Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success  by Adam Grant (April
5. Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work by Chip Heath and Dan Heath (March
Speaking of books, my latest -- To Sell is Human -- came out a few weeks ago.  The book debuted at #2 on New York Times bestseller list, #1 on the Wall Street Journal business list, and #1 on The Washington Post list. It's also #1 on the New York Times business bestseller list. In a word, thanks.  In seven words, Holy cow - I can't thank you enough!
If you haven't picked up your copy yet, you can still get it for nearly half-price on Amazon.com.  Of course, it's also available at BNIndieBound, and 8CR.
Want more info?
A few months ago, we rolled out a set of workshops to help organizations take the ideas in Drive and put them into action. The response so far has been terrific. And I'm delighted to announce we'll be holding additional workshops and train-the-trainer sessions in the spring.
On April 2 and 3, we'll be holding an intimate workshop and train-the-trainer session in Washington, DC.  The two days will begin on the evening of April 1 with a cocktail reception at my house for all the participants. (When we did this back in December, we had an amazing group of attendees who hailed from around the world.) People who complete the training will be licensed to deliver the workshop -- and the only people eligible to deliver it.  It's a great opportunity for training and development staff as well as for companies that want to equip their internal trainers with smart, practical ideas for boosting engagement. 
For those who can't get to the States, we're also running the workshops in London and Liverpool during March. See the website for details and registration.
For any other questions, check out the site or this PDF brochure -- or email Andrew Greatrex, one of the smart and entrepreneurial forces, uh, driving the venture. 

As always, thanks for reading our humble newsletter. Here's hoping the year's shortest month is happy, healthy, and productive. 
Daniel Pink
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