Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cumulus raises 15M with VMware founder as investor

Cumulus raises $15M with VMware founder as investor, user

Senior Technology Reporter- Silicon Valley Business Journal
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Cumulus Networks emerged from stealth on Wednesday with $15 million in funding, plans to shake up traditional networking technology and a high-visibility investor in VMware co-founder and former CEO Diane Greene.
Greene is one of four VMware founders investing in Cumulus and told the Wall Street Journal that she is even using Cumulus on her next venture. She declined to say more about what her new venture is about but said it needed the kind of scalable data center Cumulus makes possible.
The Sunnyvale startup founded by CEO JR Rivers and Chief Technology Officer Nolan Leake aims to have the same impact on networking that VMware had on data center servers when it introduced its virtualization technology.
Rivers and Leake have devised a version of Linux that can be used to build software-controlled networks, the type that may loosen the grip of legacy companies like Cisco Systems on networking.
Calling current networking technology "stagnant," Rivers said in a prepared statement "Innovation is finally coming to the network, and we are bringing that same transformational impact that Linux has had on datacenter economics and innovation to the networking side of the house."
Rivers and Leake previously worked together at Nuovo Systems, which Cisco bought in 2008.
Other backers include Andreessen Horowitz and Battery Ventures.
Click here to read the press release about Cumulus Networks' funding.
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Cromwell Schubarth is the Senior Technology Reporter at the Business Journal. His phone number is 408.299.1823.


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