Saturday, June 15, 2013

7 pros and cons of refinancing

Pros and cons of refinancing (© Peter Dazeley/Getty Images)
© Peter Dazeley/Getty Images


4 hours ago
You make no sense. Mortgage deduction begins to phase out if you fall under the alternative minimum tax and for that you have to be at the 28% tax bracket (you making a lot of money) the most you can save is 28% on your deduction and Obama has nothing to do with this. These are Old tax laws established in 1964 Check you history to find out why mortgage deduction where allow to begin. You will be surprise to find out this was a give. You refinance to lower you monthly payment not to make money out of taxes.
5 hours ago
Say your 7 years into a 30 year mortgage on a hundred grand home. Say your payment is $1000 per month. So after 7 years you've got $84,000 paid in to your home. Now lets say you want to refinance but after 7 years and $84,000 dollars the principal on your loan is still $94,000 because the interest payment is up front. Now you have a new 30 year mortgage for $94,000 and start all over from scratch. So essentially you've just paid $84,000 to pay off $6000 that you will never recover. Refinancing is just another scam to take more of your money.
6 hours ago
Pulling cash out is one of the worst things you can do. Pay off your mortgage and own your home. Then it can't be taken away as long as you pay the taxes.
6 hours ago
Most lenders do NOT require a survey.
7 hours ago
If you desire mortgage insursance do not get it rolled in with your mortgage.. .....have it separate
7 hours ago
Be careful because depending upon the Loan, especially an Obama created or sponsored loan...YOUR GONNA LOSE A LOT OF MONEY especially if you have been able to get a refund each year based on your Mortgage deduction on your taxes...meaning you lose your Mortgage Deduction.. I just looked into it and here is what I found, The Bank made nearly $4000.00 in fees, the Government got to keep ALL my Mortgage Tax Deduction and I saved $200.00 a month but paid higher taxes on my income which diluted that $200 savings to almost nothing. So basically The Government Got money the Bank got money and I got screwed....typical event with this Administration and all their Plans..We the taxpayers get screwed,,same with Obama care, The Insurance Company Executives, Pharmaceutical Companies and some Hospitals will make money,,,It will cost an average family of 4 upto an extra or additional $20,000.00 a year...There is NO SAVINGS..
7 hours ago
Make sure you can afford the loan...period. ARMs are a bad idea...period. Buy a house for what you need, not what looks good to everyone else. Put as much cash down as you can afford, and don't go crazy remodeling a used home until you can honestly afford it.
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7 pros and 7 cons to refinancing

By Steve Yoder of

Anyone who borrowed money for real estate this year may want to frame their interest rate on the wall. To boost the economy, the Federal Reserve has taken steps to help drop rates on 30-year-fixed loans from about 6.5% four years ago to historic lows in recent months. Millions of people who can borrow are jumping at the chance, taking out new home loans and refinancing existing mortgages.
Banks are struggling to keep up with demand — it takes the biggest lenders an average of more than 70 days to finish a refinance, according to a story in The Wall Street Journal. But the long wait hasn't deterred many homeowners.
Money management and real-estate experts agree that for many homeowners, refinancing is a great idea, but there are risks to consider. A borrower's job prospects, the age of their current mortgage and their credit situation all affect whether getting new loan terms make sense.
Here are the benefits and costs of replacing your current loan now.

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