How many times have you called a store, vendor, or any other kind of business, only to be answered by a automated answering system?
Press 1 if....
Press 2 if....
Press 3 if....
Once you finally make a selection, there are yet more automated options.
When you finally hear all the choices and make a selection, you're put on hold for who knows how long.
THEN the most humorous recorded message (albeit untrue)... "We value your time. We'll be right with you."
LOL! Really? They value our time?? If they did, they'd have someone there to answer the phone!
We hear the same complaint in real estate. "I can never get anyone to answer the phone."
I'm to young to remember the pre-voice mail days... but I can't help but wonder, "What would it be like if people answered the phone?"
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