Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to make business client out to entertain and write off 100% Murray bradford


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As I hope you know, when you take a prospect, colleague, or client to a sporting event, you can deduct 50% of your entertainment costs.

No big surprise there. After all, other kinds of business entertainment can also be deducted at the 50% rate.

What you may not know, however, is that:
If you're entertaining at a certain kind of "charitable sporting event," your costs are 100% deductible!

Give us a sporting chance and we'll explain everything when you read my new article titled Test Your Tax IQ: Can Charity Double Entertainment Deductions?

Three ways our fact-filled article can help you:
1. We'll tell you how Section 274(l)(1)(B) of the tax code can save you money. This section of the tax code explains the exception to the 50% deduction. Does the tax code make fascinating reading? No. But understanding the law can save you a bundle! We'll explain things in easy-to-understand language when you Read the FREE article.
2. You'll learn how Uncle Sam defines a "charitable sporting event." There are three key points you need to understand. We'll explain them (short and sweet) when you Read the FREE article.
3. We'll list eight charitable sporting events that may qualify for the 100% deduction. Does a golf tournament qualify? How about a college football game? A marathon? A basketball game? You'll get straight answers when you Read the FREE article.

To get started, CLICK HERE. You'll get a no-obligation 7-day FREE trial during which you can read, not only the article I mentioned above, but all of our helpful tax-saving tips from the last two months. This trial is absolutely free and there are no strings attached. That's a personal promise.
 W. Murray Bradford, CPA
Tax Reduction Letter


Bradford Tax Institute
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