Saturday, November 10, 2012

My kick ass coach talks about fear as a game stopper

Fear Closes Doors

by Vicki Garcia on November 7, 2012

Redhead with fingers in ears
“Fear is both the cause and effect of the feelings, thoughts, or actions that prohibit you from accepting yourself and realizing your full potential. Fear stands between you and your ability to go anywhere you like, do anything you want, and meet anyone you please. To help you stay safe, fear motivates you to hide your essential nature by thwarting your ability to express yourself truthfully”. ~Rhonda Britten

A client recently asked me to share some insight with her about the insidious ways in which fear interferes with our natural inclination to be open and engaging. I thought the quote above summed it up perfectly.
In short, fear closes doors on opportunity.
Fear will always tell you that you cannot trust others. It will tell you they are out to get you or have bad intentions toward you. Fear will tell you that people don’t like you. It will tell you that you better not trust that person. It will tell you that you somehow do not measure up.
Basically, fear tells us these awful lies and we choose to believe them!
Understanding the voice you hear is fear, is the first step. Tell fear to shut up. I, specifically, tell it to shut the hell up and get out of my head. I choose my own thoughts, not the thoughts that fear tries to put into my head. If you follow the thoughts that fear provides for you, you’ll stay stuck. You’ll never move forward or have the kind of success or relationships you seek.

When you hear that voice tell you that someone else is up to no good, before you act, stop and ask yourself this: Am I making it up or is it true? This simple question can change your life.

Pay attention to when and how that voice of fear shows up. Just noticing it is a huge step. When you find fear in your head, kick it the hell out!

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