Monday, April 1, 2013

High trust prospecting


Original text

Prospecting and Business Development: The High Trust Way

By Todd Duncan Zig Ziglar once said, “Prospecting is like taking a bath. If you don’t do it every day, pretty soon you stink.”
So, how do you prospect successfully?
Time-wise, spend one hour prospecting every day until you have a solid 10-20 referral partners, and then prospect weekly or monthly. Create unique value propositions and approach campaigns that will get you noticed. For instance, you can send materials via Federal Express versus regular mail, or include a business book prospects may benefit from as a gift. And as you are working to schedule appointments, make sure you follow up with a phone call 48 hours after you have mailed your package.

When you do get appointments, your focus must be on getting the relationship, rather than getting the deal: This is the key to long-term success!
This why a typical High Trust Interview with a strategic partner lasts between 45 minutes to one hour. And make sure each of your campaigns includes follow up! Be willing to add value to potential partners for at least two years at a pace of three to four value-adding ideas a month as you are attempting to secure the relationship!

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