26 Ways to Use Visuals in Your Social Media Marketing
Do you need some help in getting started or maintaining momentum in sharing more visual content and in creating a visual conversation with your audience?
In this post, you’ll find 26 tips, an A-Z guide, for getting started with a visual strategy.
#1: Add Text to Your Photos
Do you want to get more mileage out of the photos you share on your social sites? You can, when you add text to your images.Adding text to a photo can help you get your message across faster. And these messages are more likely to be shared by others on social media.
Do you want to find some easy tools to include text in the photos you share on social media? Check out the photo editors in #4 below.
#2: Break Through the Clutter
There’s a lot of content out there
vying for our attention. As Krista Neher suggests, “Optimize your social
content to break through the clutter with images. Most leading businesses are
making use of images in their content on all social networks. Your Facebook,
Twitter, blog and even LinkedIn strategies should include images.”
Consider varying the types of content you share on your social
channels and be sure to include photos and other forms of
visual content to keep your readers interested.#3: Create a Collage
When you have several great images
to choose from and can’t decide, why not create a collage? Here are some
instructions for how to make a collage with PicMonkey and other free collage-making tools.
Collages communicate a number of brand messages and offer a simple yet
effective way to engage users. Think about your different social media outlets
and see if there are places where a collage would work well for
you.#4: Desktop Photo Editors
Is the photo you have perfect for your needs? Or does it need some editing?
There are many paid and free
options for desktop photo editors on Mac and PCs to help you crop, resize, enhance, add
text and more.
Photo editing apps have come a long way over the years. Years back, the
average user may have felt that editing was out of their league completely but
programs have made it possible to make quick and easy edits that
strengthen a photo and create a better overall image of your
business.#5: Encourage People to Share Photos With Your Business
The photo-sharing tools available today provide companies another communication avenue with their audience.One fun way to get users to submit photos is to make it part of a contest that you’re sponsoring.
Users enjoy sharing photos. And contests help businesses reach out to their users in a creative way, while at the same time making it possible to gather a large crowdsourced photo library of images related to your products.
#6: Facebook Covers
The cover photos for Facebook give
you a lot of real estate (specifically 851 x 315 px) to demonstrate visually
what your business is about. There are a number of great resources to help you
create cool Facebook cover photos.
Create an inviting Facebook cover and don’t be afraid
to change it periodically. For example, Starbucks currently has
a photo album of 25 cover photos and may choose to profile one that shows a new
drink or holiday theme. The photo used above was replaced by another photo
within one week.#7: Generate Leads With Facebook Photos
Companies are finding that they can generate more followers and leads by posting a high percentage of photos on social sites.
Some of the brands with largest
followings on Facebook have posted an impressive number of timeline photos; for
example, Coca Cola 6,459 photos, Oreo 2,359 and Red Bull 5,299. And consider
these Facebook facts, “Photos get 7
times more likes and 10 times more shares than links.”
Do you know what type of visuals will work for your business? Or are you
struggling to keep up a good momentum? Think about visuals as part of
your strategy and allocate time to brainstorm and create a
library you can tap into over the next week, month or even longer.#8: How-to Images
Sometimes photos can make things simple for your audience. What does your audience struggle with?Photos are a powerful way to show your readers a step-by-step guide on how to carry out specific tasks.
Users respond well when you show how to carry out a task that may otherwise seem complex to them, even with simple screenshots.
#9: Infographics
Infographics are visual
representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex
information quickly and clearly (from Wikipedia). Users love them and they’re
shared often on social sites.
There are a number of tools to help you create your own
Of course, yours may not be as intricate as the one above of the Metrorail,
but taking a number of facts from a few studies and showing them visually may
help to effectively communicate information and capture the attention of
a user who may otherwise not have the time to read long reports.#10: Just the Facts
Are there any other ways you can use visual content? There are times when a simple chart or visualization will help drive home the facts.Writers are often told to “show, don’t tell” and a simple visual representation of the information can do this well. For marketers, charts and illustrations can be very effective tools—for example, seeing the difference between percentages can give users a better picture of the significance of the statistics.
#11: Keep Landing Pages Simple
Many components of your marketing collateral can benefit with strong visuals, including landing pages.
Randi Lucius writes, “Have
clear, relevant images—either of the product or something closely related. Don’t
overdo it though—usually a large banner image is sufficient.”
The visual may be part of the message and it’s an important one. A distorted
or out of proportion photo can even subliminally create a poor image of a
business and their products and services.#12: Lettered Quotes
Maria Popova of Brain Pickings worked with
illustrator Wendy MacNaughton to create
this amazing illustrated description of Susan Sontag and art.
This type of image can help communicate a lot of information; for
example, who you are, the benefits of your products and services, mission
statements and how prospects can reach you.#13: Make Certain Every Blog Post Has at Least One Pinnable Image
Pinterest is a fantastic way to
have your posts shared with an even wider audience. When someone selects Pin It, they will see the image choices for
your article. Terry League suggests you make
sure every post has at least one pinnable image.
Even while I’m in the process of writing this article, you can get the idea
of what users would see if they tried to pin this post:Pinterest has made sharing images incredibly easy and fun. An image pinned on Pinterest may help tap into users who may not have come across your blog post through other channels.
#14: Notetaking Visually
Wesley Fryer describes visual notetaking as a
“process of representing ideas non-linguistically… visual notetaking can include
concept mapping, but also more artistic ways of visually capturing and
representing ideas.” Image below from Leo Babauta.
Some people learn better visually than through the written word. When done
well, visual notetaking is an effective communication tool and can also be a fun
resource to take users on a journey with you.#15: Optimize Images
JC Parmley emphasizes it is
important that your images are properly optimized without sacrificing too much
of the quality.
Your blog may also have specific dimensions for images, yet just resizing to
fit within those dimensions may do the visual a disservice. There are times when
one image works better than another—train your eye to recognize the
difference.#16: Photo Ideas
There are times when you may feel
at a loss for how to create more exciting original photos. Anjelika Paranjpe provides some
wonderful creative ideas represented below.
And keep in mind too that Instagram filters and a host of other mobile
phone apps will provide a number of
ways to make an ordinary photo look more unique.
There are photos and there are photos. What draws you in? What makes you take
a little extra time looking at an image? What feelings does the photo evoke?
Users are making those types of conscious and unconscious decisions every day.
How can your images stand out and stand the test of time?#17: Quotes Are Highly Shareable
The sharing of quotes on social sites has also increased in the past year. There are a number of tools to create quotes from something you’ve read online and even your own articles.
To make this quote, I used Quote
with Quizio on my browser’s toolbar, highlighted the text I wanted to use
and then was presented with choices for fonts, background color and
Step 1:Step 2:
Quotes have a way of generating a sense of authority and make readers take notice of a statement that could easily get lost.
#18: Reviews as Images
Positive reviews can go a long way. Why not take a screenshot of a review and save it as an image to include on your social sites?Reviews can be spread out and shared on different pages. Some users may not be inclined to see a review on Yelp, for instance, but posting it on your Facebook Page can ensure that more followers will see it.
#19: Stock Photos
Kevin Mullett‘s list of stock
photography sites demonstrates that there’s no shortage of companies to choose
from. Some stock photography sites offer a free image on a regular basis. And if
it works for your business, how perfect!
Here’s a recent offering from iStockPhoto that had been promoted on their
Facebook Page.
Some businesses may find that opening an account with one stock photo company
that has images that speak to their audience works well. And others may choose
to vary the sources. Allocating time to find applicable images
will be an important step in your visual social media marketing strategy.#20: Try to Make Your Visual’s Filename a Good Description of the Subject Matter
As Google writes,
“my-new-black-kitten.jpg is a lot more informative than IMG00023.JPG.
Descriptive filenames can also be useful to users. If we’re unable to find
suitable text on the page where we found the image, we’ll use the filename as
the image’s snippet in our search results.”
Naming an image may take a little extra time in preparing it to publish, but
it will be well worth the extra effort!#21: User-Generated Content
User-generated content (UGC) covers
a range of media content. National Geographic is a great example of a
site that asks for photos from their audience in the column, “Your Shot.”
How can you solicit creative ways for users to submit photos
of them using your products or services?#22: Visual Content Types
While it would have worked well to
have covered video for the letter “V,” I wanted to be sure to include at least
mention of a couple of other types of visual content that Maria Pergolino and Jason
Lankow point out in their presentation—namely, comics and memes (an idea,
behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture [from
For video, there are a number of
good articles on Social Media Examiner including this one by Cindy King with 29 Tips from Social Media Examiner
Use a variety of visual content to strengthen your visual social
media marketing strategy.#23: Word Photos
I have to admit, I’ve always been very drawn to these word photos. Why not take a great image and see how it looks generated in words?Carefully selected photos and words are a win-win—communicating visually and with words all at the same time.
#24: e(X)treme Close-Ups
There are close-ups and then there are extreme close-ups: “tightly framed and shown at a relatively large scale.” Extreme close-ups are dramatic and can capture and hold a user’s attention.Extreme close-ups can be quite beautiful and help your audience see the details they may have missed in a regular close-up.
#25: Your Big Moments
You’re proud of your accomplishments and you should be. So why not show your big moments? The award, the handshake. It’s very compelling.This kind of image helps spread the word about your accomplishments and is a good example of visual brand storytelling.
#26: Zoom In to Engage Users
Good short videos can say a lot about your business. And zooming in is a great way to bring attention to a particular product, service or point you want to draw your audience to.What do you want to emphasize to prospective and existing customers? Zooming in helps represent visually what’s important, while also distinguishing important features and aspects of a business.
Using more visual content
In the past year, there’s been an
increase in the use of visuals across social sites, and for good reasons. As Ekaterina Walter writes, “Brands can
use visual content on their social media to increase engagement
and inspire sharing and viral marketing.”
Here are some recommended resources:- Visual Social Media Marketing (new book) by Krista Neher
- The Importance of Developing a Social Media Image Strategy by Alexandra Reid
- 3 Tips for Creating a Social Media Image Strategy by Terry League
- Are You Prepared for Visual Social Media Marketing? by Krista Neher
Debbie Hemley is a social media
consultant and blogger. She helps businesses develop and maintain social media
content str
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