1. Do a network inventory: Who are the folks that are actually particularly important to you and what you’re doing, and have you been in touch with them? Have you prioritized based on importance rather than reactivity? Then reconnect, obviously, with folks who are high importance that you haven't been in touch with, and make that go.
2. Strategize: I always think that strategies are two steps: Here’s what I want to be. What are the intermediate steps to where I want to be, and what are the key things that would be useful? It could be people in your network, it could be a certain skill, or it could be a piece of experience, like volunteering for work, like you were mentioning earlier. What are the right things to do in order to make something happen? And then say, what is one of those key intermediate steps that I could move to in the next couple of weeks and next couple of months? What are the things that I could do that would help me get to my long-term future, where I want to be?
3. Invest in Relationships: Ask, “Okay, what are the ways that I could make my network better?” It’s not, “How do I expand it?” but what are the things that I can add into it. Who are key people that I could provide introductions to? Who could I suggest an event to? Think a little bit about the folks around you because this will lead to a lot of really good serendipity.
To read or listen to the entire Social Capitalist interview with Reid, click here for the downloads.
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