Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Gooddate and box launch big data mashup

GoodData, Box launch Big Data mashup

Senior Technology Reporter- Silicon Valley Business Journal
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Two of the hottest Bay Area startups, Box and GoodData, are expanding their partnership to give businesses a new way to encourage improved collaboration in their workforce.
They have created a cloud-based app called GoodBox Bash for users of Los Altos-based Box's collaboration and storage platform.
The idea is to bring San Francisco-based GoodData's analytics to process, view and analyze key data around how business teams are collaborating. The companies say this will help improve strategic decision-making across organizations that use Box.
Box CEO Aaron Levie told me recently that he is excited about expanding his company's collaboration with GoodData.

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"There is so much data out there that isn't being fully utilized businesses and this is another way for us to be more useful to our customers," Levie said.
When I asked if Box planned to add more Big Data analytic features in the future, Levie said. "If we do it will be with GoodData."
GoodData CEO Roman Stanek laughed at that answer and told me, "And if we do more in collaboration, it will be with Box. They are a kick-ass company and we want to do all we can to support them."
Stanek also told me that he thinks companies like Box and GoodData may partner their offerings more in the future to help them compete against big competitors like SAP, Oracle and Salesforce.
"By combining what we do like this, we can give customers a better alternative to buying some big suite of integrated products," Stanek told me. "We both compete against big companies who have spent the past four or five years building products within their walled gardens."
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Cromwell Schubarth is the Senior Technology Reporter at the Business Journal. His phone number is 408.299.1823.

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