Monday, December 16, 2013

5 Countries where people live the longest

5 countries where people live longest

The average American lives to be almost 79 years old. But despite massive US spending on health care, other nations boast longer life expectancy.
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High priest performs traditional rituals in Daitokuji Monastery © xPACIFICA/Corbis
Longevity across the globe
Life expectancy in the U.S. has risen in the past few decades. While in 1970 life expectancy at birth was 70.9 years, it rose to 78.7 by 2011. However, most of the developed world is improving faster than this country. And despite the fact that the U.S. spends vastly more per capita on health care than any other country, Americans’ life expectancy is only 26th highest.
Recently, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development released a report highlighting the latest life expectancy figures for its 34 member nations as well as several other developed nations. Based on the OECD report, 24/7 Wall St. examined the countries with the highest life expectancy.
As might be expected, residents in countries with higher life expectancy tend to be healthier. In six of the 10 countries, more than three-quarters of adult residents surveyed in 2011 reported being in good health, compared to the OECD average of 69 percent. Residents of countries with high life expectancy also tend to have lower incidence of serious diseases and lower rates of death when they contract these illnesses. The majority of these countries have below-average rates of cancer mortality and diabetes.
Gaetan Lafortune, senior economist of the OECD’s health division, told 24/7 Wall St. in an email, “One of the main factors behind the big rise in life expectancy in OECD countries over the past 20 years or so has been the sharp decline in mortality from cardiovascular disease.”
Based on the recently published OECD report Health at a Glance 2013, these are the nations with the highest life expectancy. In addition to reviewing life expectancy data, 24/7 Wall St. also considered figures on subjects ranging from access to medical care to health spending and national-level demographics. Much of the data use in the report was collected in 2011 or earlier, including life expectancy at birth, which is as of 2011.
Click forward to see the countries where people live longest.
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Sun 5:16 AM
One thing all of these countries have in common is that they don't have health insurance executives making 10's of millions of dollars in salaries and stock options. None of them has Wall Street's fingers in their health care dollars. At $8K per person, we spend more than any of the countries mentioned. We need to focus funds on health care professionals, not CEO'S and stockholders.
Fri 9:16 PM
The single largest item keeping the US out of the top 10 is too many fat people.
Thu 9:36 PM
I think it is a little past time for me to even consider changing states... and countries are out of the question.... my remaining time will be spent where I am. I figure the same will be true for most of us..... Just enjoy what you have and keep smiling. 
Sat 2:52 PM
Thank you for those who've come here to lay it out plain and simple the the unholy, immoral, and often illegal collusion of govt.-medicine-pharma. My not identifying myself as a doctor was purposely left out of my original post as a means to stimulate unbiased conversation. Agreement with all regarding the numerous unhealthy variables afflicting the U.S. 
       Aside from for profit medicine and pharma overdosing, scalping, and jabbing (vaccines) our populace, we have a very high caloric diet of GMO and processed foods, grains, etc. Coal burning releases sulfuric acid and mercury into the atmosphere and water. Municipal water supplies are fortified with carcinogenic and neuro-genic chlorine and fluoride. Demanding their rectification and maintaining a sub 2000 calorie/day diet along with intermittent fasting, and exercise is where we must go.
Sun 5:30 AM
Huh, what's funny is that ALL these other countries that have a life expectancy longer than ours have state sponsored health care systems WHERE THEIR GOVT. PAYS THE BILLS, NOT THE GOD DANGED INSURANCE COMPANIES! So we switch over to state sponsored yet still have to deal with these SCUMMY insurance agency's! I just don't get it, insurance companies are a BUSINESS!! That means it's their main goal to turn a profit, and how do they turn profits? It sure as hell isn't by paying out claims and covering medical expenses! No, it's by denying claims and coming up with BS "pre-existing conditions" rules so they DON'T have to pay your medical bills. Yet they'll gladly take your money and tell you your covered though. Lets do away with these criminal insurance co's and make our govt. foot the bill since we are leaning towards becoming a communist country anyways...
Sat 12:39 PM

Sun 8:30 AM
It is all about diet and exercise. 1. I have been to some of these countries and if you go to their markets most of the food is whole food and not processed. 2. They are more active, the body is not made to be sedentary. The same is true for the US why are some reigns less healthy then others? It is life style. I lived in the Pacific North West for 52 years and they are much more active than the South East and have a better diet. If you don't believe it ask an expert
Sun 7:23 AM
The USA has too many fat people, but stress is probably the greatest cause.
Sun 5:36 AM
Mediterranian way of eating, sea foods,  olive oil, vegetables...
If Dick Cheney didn`t have government healthcare all these years he would have been dead
years ago.
Why aren't we more towards the top ? One word......... Monsanto.... Eat........ Eat my friends.
Fri 10:59 AM
I'm surprised the article didn't list the US as the longest living people in the world! Did the FDA or Legal Drug Lords not pay up?  I get so tired of hearing "we is livin lunger" and I would encourage anyone to look at their local obits.  Yes, you'll see some 100 or over now and then.  Those are probably the ones who grew up on a farm, worked hard, ate fresh vegetables, got plenty of exercise from work, were not a member of a "gym" and those who used good home remedies if ever sick.  They probably stayed away from whitecoats and the legal drug dealers drive through window.  In my small community just this morning, there are at least two in the obits who are maybe in their 50's and early 60's.  Not looking at the obits at the moment.  Go into any cemetery! Look at the dates!  I detest "ask your doctor' ads and the myth in my opinion that we "is livin lunger."
bfs....Although somewhat interesting I tend to agree with your surmise of how we as Americans lived or have been subjected too..
Also to add to the pharma, and medical intentions..I would certainly think you would agree that we have also been an over medicated society...And it sometimes takes it tolls, even as alcohol or tobacco might..
I guess one point would be the fact of antibiotics failing to have effect on certain diseases with some individuals; And possibly another would be organ or more precisely liver and kidney failures.

Although not having the professional training, I have lived long enough, to have experienced many maladies or dilemmas and have been a quick study, when having an interest in specific fields.
I could go on and credit longevity to great medical care offered in our Country, but then again
I'm a firm believer that Genetics plays a major part in our lives, and then the abuses we allow ourselves could certainly determine the quality and the length. 
Yes many are so to speak...Island or island type Nations, surrounded by water...
With a diet very dependent on seafood..
Even the Swiss are somewhat removed from immigrant and diverse genetics...
Which in my opinion, plays a large part of living longer..
Sun 9:51 AM
One thing that is not mentioned in all the articles I've read. Each of these countries determines how they count the life expectancy in their own country. It's not just as simple as you were born on date x and died on date y. Average the total for the country and you get life expectancy. I've read that some of these countries only count “natural deaths” and don't count accidental deaths (i.e. murder, auto accident, sporting accident, etc...). The U.S. has the highest.  Also some of these countries don't count infant death before the age of 2.  The U.S. is the ONLY country that counts all deaths regardless of the circumstances.  This would lower the U.S. life expectancy greatly. 

Sun 12:21 PM
I have lived in other countries, where people are more into preventative medicine, where I got the chance to learn how to live healthy.  For one they do not jump up and go visit a doctor every time they do not feel well and request that the doctor give them pills so they can feel better.  Medication is not readily prescribed and people do eat healthier and especially not using processed foods as we do here in the U.S. and certain additives are banned since they are bad for our bodies.  Another thing they do not have all the fast food restaurants that we have.  This year I decided to take my health into my own hands and am so glad I did.  I stopped eating anything processed, eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, eat nuts and eat chicken 1-2 times a month.  I also am using herbs that are beneficial to my body.  I also do my cooking at home.  I am not saying that I am 100% there but am doing the best I can.  I no longer need prescribed medications and feel better overall.  So we wonder why we have such a big health problem -- well it has to do with big companies producing more and more bad foods and additives and pharmaceutical companies heavily pushing more medications on us.  Just remember that medications make people gain weight and will eventually do some damage to our organs.

Fri 8:58 AM
What does the U.S. do different to deserve a lower life expectancy and 50th ranking in world health? Answer: Out of 7 billion people,  the U.S. consumes 60% of the worlds drugs and is by far the most vaccinated country on the planet (vaccines contain 100+ noxious and toxic ingredients that cause cancer, asthma, allergies, ADHD, autism, Aspergers', etc.). The U.S. govt. has predetermined how many must die and/or suffer as a means to maintain the great and almighty passing of the buck, and prop up the too big to fail unholy alliance of med-pharma-govt.
Fri 12:53 PM
Gosh, with as generous as the US is with it's health care (untold billions spent on non-ER services for illegal aliens) it is no wonder the US isn't at the top of the list.
Fri 12:26 PM
Gosh, with our fantastic health care system (best in the world !!!), I'm surprised the good ole USA isn't at the top of the list.
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