Monday, April 15, 2013

Nvidia CEO: I do not actually have an office anymore


Nvidia CEO: "I don't actually even have an office anymore"

Real Estate Reporter- Silicon Valley Business Journal
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You know it's time to invest in real estate when even the boss can't get a cube.
That's one reason why Nvidia Corp. moved forward with plans for a big campus project adjacent to its current headquarters in Sunnyvale, CEO Jen-Hsun Huang told analysts at an investor conference call on Thursday.
"And as you very well know, I don’t actually even have an office anymore," he said, according to a transcript provided by Seeking Alpha, in response to an analyst's question. "I’m a vagrant and (my assistant) and I just, we sit where there are chairs and it’s not the worst thing in the world, but I think just as a human rights issue, I think CEOs have to have at least a cubical."
OK, so Huang is known for his sense of humor, so it's unlikely that's literally the case. But you get the idea: bursting at the seams.
As we were first to report, in February Nvidia submitted plans for up to 1 million square feet of new office on 25 acres it owns at the intersection of San Tomas and Central expressways. The two-phased project calls for two striking triangular buildings with two levels each -- or about 250,000 square feet per floor. That's an enormous "floor plate," in real estate parlance, and typifies the tech-user trend toward wide-open, collaborative spaces. (Hear from the designer by clicking here.)
Nvidia is currently in about 500,000 square feet that it leases from the Sobrato Organization, but has spread out to take over several of the buildings at the San Tomas Business Park. Those buildings will come down to make way for the new Gensler-designed project. Only the first building will go forward right now, which we've pegged as a $300 million project. Sares Regis Group of Northern California is working as Nvidia's development consultant.
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Nathan Donato-Weinstein covers commercial real estate and transportati

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