Monday, April 15, 2013

How to beat Yelps review filter via a landing page- is this correct?

How to Beat Yelp’s Review Filter via a Landing Page

As the ole adage goes, if i had a dollar for every time a business owner complained about i would be rich. It appears as if Yelps algorithm has really rubbed a lot of folks the wrong way. I’m guessing as any filter goes, people that are not breaking the terms of service get punished and the real law abiders figure out savvy ways to beat the system.
We have clients that have anywhere from 10-50 reviews that are caught up in Yelps filter and there really isn’t anything anyone can do. In fact no amount of phone calls, advertising buys or yelling will change the outcome of how many reviews get filtered, so just get comfortable with not having any control over your account.
The obvious question is why this happening to you. The answer is a host of reasons that all lead back to yelp grading the credibility and relevancy of your reviewers. Yelp doesn’t want companies gaining the system and writing boat loads of self-fulfilling reviews, as that would only depreciate the value of the service. If consumers discovered that companies were able to manipulate and post their own glowing testimonials, Yelp would be labeled worthless. Thus their system is set up to score the validity of profiles based on factors that you may not be aware of, such as…
  • Profile Pictures (keeping your default silhouette is a no-no)
  • Profile Descriptions (leaving your profile blank is a red flag)
  • Facebook Integration (not integrating your Facebook account could be questionable)
  • Friend Connections (having zero connections tends to be an indicator of a fake)
  • Number of Reviews (anything under 5 reviews could appear suspicious)
Yelp figures that phony, fly-by-night reviewers who are cheating wont take the time or have the resources to have all of the above in place, thus profiles are flagged when they appear to have irregularities or conflicts of information. Profiles with 1-5 reviews, no pic or friend connections may be set up to have their reviews quarantined in Yelps filter. Yelp also has various methods to gain intelligence on people posting reviews, as they place cookies on your computer and can easily figure out if multiple reviews for one company originated from the same laptop.
So after you pull out your hair, negotiate with a Yelp rep and lose sleep, you will more than likely end up where every does, frustrated and anxious for a remedy. Unfortunately there is no magic wand, pixie dust or happy ending we can deploy to fix the perceived issue with Yelp’s filter and your perception of Yelp, however we can suggest a nifty work-around.
What if you could design a web-page in which anyone could view all of your Yelp reviews, even filtered ones? Well you can. Landing pages serve as the ideal conduit to overcome this challenge. Designing a landing page that reflects all of your Yelp reviews is easy to do, cost effective and can be deployed in less than a week. Our firm links these types of Landing Pages from your root domain (web-address) and prospective clients/customers are pushed to your landing page via Google, Bing and Yahoo Ad’s.
The conversion rate is higher than most other landing pages as you are marketing your own credibility via past client experiences. So long as these experiences are positive you could very well strike gold, a lead generation Eureka of sorts that typically translates to a 40% prospect acquisition rate. If you want to leverage a review platform like Yelp to feed your pipeline with leads, shoot us an email and we can help you get started.
To see a sample of the Yelp Landing pages that we’ve created follow the links below:
Sample 1 – with Lead Capture Form:
Sample 2 – with out Lead Form:


  1. Susan Kirtsan says:
    Thanks for sharing. My firm has had Yelp reviews filtered for what appears to be clients whom have fairly new profiles. Does this problem eventually fix itself or will the reviews always be filtered?

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