8 Things That Will Keep You From Being Successful
Posted by Tracey Velt on Apr
1, 2013 in Business, RT
Blog | 6
America continues to be the world’s largest economy and boasts the lion share of global billionaires. In fact, there were reportedly 442 billionaires in America in 2012—the nationality majority of the record 1,426 people who have earned this laudable distinction around the world. When considering the staggering success only an elite few attain in business, it begs the question “what do these billionaires know that the rest of us don’t?” And, as importantly, “how can we avoid failure as we aspire to achieve career success of any measure?”
With this in mind, LeJoy offers these eight pitfalls to avoid to assist the proverbial 99% in their quest for success:
1. Short-sightedness: Every successful person at some point in their lives had a vision for what “could be,” and set out in relentless pursuit of their dream. From Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs and countless success stories in between, visionaries are filled with a passion and purpose that drives them every day. Those who are short-sighted and unmindful of future consequences of their efforts, both the good and the bad, are more likely to fail than those who are thoughtful and perceptive in their approach.
2. Inaction: Have a vision or a goal? The first step is to write down your goal along with objectives and action steps that will help you reach them. Post it your vision statement in your bedroom, bathroom, office. Share it with others. And, be sure to follow your action steps. By taking these minor steps, you make yourself accountable and become the master of your destiny.
3. Contentment: You may have the vision. You may write it down. You may have shared it with others, but without passion, that vision will likely wither. Others should be able to see and feel your drive. The key is to match your vision with something you can be truly passionate about.
4. Instability: Many have vision and passion, but lack the self-discipline required to stay the course. The pain of living a life of discipline is less than the pain of regret for what “could have been.” Those who are self-disciplined motivate themself to continue with their action steps and persevere amid adversity, asserting sheer willpower over their more base desires and instincts to give up or turn attentions to something more enjoyable in the moment.
5. Doubt: You have the vision, and you take action to write it down. You may even embellish that vision with passion and be quite disciplined in your approach. However, without the will to endure you may not get too far. Life and work can be hard and even cruel. Rather than allowing doubt to seep in and poison the process, remain confident in your vision and your methodologies.
6. Going it Alone: Joining a mastermind group, or talking with a coach or mentor is an excellent way to get motivated. Meeting regularly can be a great boost to your morale and provide new perspectives on your approach.
7. Dishonesty: While it sounds cliché, honesty is indeed the best policy in business. Integrity is of paramount importance for those seeking to find and sustain long-term success.
8. Arrogance: Humility, like patience, hard work and integrity, is a virtue. So, when you finally reach your destination of success, when your vision becomes a reality, do not forget your humble beginnings and all those who helped you to get to the top of the hill.
“If you have a vision, passion, take action, are determined and disciplined; if you get a coach or mentor; get in the right environment; and are honest and humble you be well positioned to achieve your dream…whatever that may be,” Paul says.
About the Expert
Pacific Realty Partners Founder and Principal Paul LeJoy is a real estate investor and business building expert who has earned the reputation as a motivational leader in helping others duplicate his success and create wealth. LeJoy’s success in real estate is empowered by his business skills and no-excuses approach to success. LeJoy may be reached online at www.LejoySolutions.com.
*Source: http://www.forbes.com/billionaires
photo by: Victor1558
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