Sunday, May 5, 2013

This moment

I can treat time like something that can be replaced or recharged. I am seriously solemn and sober on this point now. The choice we have is where and what to spend time on. After all will be tombstone say he always returned emails quickly? lord I hope now instead I vote for making choices in this moment more hugs love and laughs. The other things come when I am only in this moment connecting with those that I know which a full and abundance group of folks! I know who I need to know if I quit wasting time.

Look at this


Friday, August 31, 2012


Full richness



Your time is worth much more than money. If you cannot afford to sit and continuously feed hundred dollar bills into a paper shredder, you cannot afford to waste this moment.


This moment and this day are filled with extraordinary possibilities. And you are here right now to make the very most of them.


You have the opportunity, right here and now, to experience a positive, rich and fulfilling life. Why in the world would you ever choose to do anything else?


Instead of wasting your time and energy on anger, choose to invest yourself in love. Rather than burying your unique purpose under meaningless distractions, fulfill and express that purpose with meaningful actions.


Don't throw this moment away by pretending to be something you're not. Live this moment fully by authentically being the best of who you are.


The opportunity of your life is now. Take that opportunity now, while it's here, and live the full richness that is already yours.



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