Thursday, May 2, 2013

defining leadership Todd Duncan and Andy Andrews

Volume 5; Issue 18


Defining Leadership with Andy Andrews

By Andy Andrews
There are many qualities that will help you along the way to creating the life you truly desire. Persistence, gratitude, and service are a few of many possible examples. But there's one quality in particular that we can tend to overlook when taking stock of ourselves--the quality of leadership.

Constructing a Life of Purpose 04/24/13

You might be thinking that your circumstances are too difficult or that you are too old to change your life's direction. But waiting longer will not make anything easier; the time to start is now and you can make a difference. The fact of the matter is most people don't pick up their hammer of purpose and begin building. Or if they do, their actions are too few and with little direction. It is no wonder that the walls of many people's lives are crumbling.

Mastering Implementation 04/17/13

Mastering implementation is really the one thing that most people do not get. If you're not implementing you are missing out on taking your High Trust business to the next level.To be a great implementor, you have to be a end result thinker. You have to be thinking each and every day, as you run your business, as you build your business, you have to be thinking end results.
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Andy Andrews
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