Sunday, May 26, 2013

9 surprising businesses that could benefit from a super bowl


9 surprising businesses that could benefit from a Super Bowl

Antoine Antoniol
Employment agencies
The obvious services - security firms, caterers, party planners - are going to need some extra hands for a Super Bowl. Sure, some will post a help wanted sign, but expect them to head to local employment agencies to staff up fast.
Staff Silicon Valley Business Journal
Santa Clara landed its Super Bowl for 2016, and now businesses will be rushing to get a piece of that estimated $300 million economic boost.
Obviously, the hotels, restaurants and transportation industries will feel windfall of customers. But the companies that serve those businesses will also feel the pick up, and don’t forget about those contracts the National Football League and host committee will dole out, for everything from waste and recycling to lighting.
Here are some less obvious businesses that could feel the football love.

Have you read all our Super Bowl coverage? Read an exclusive Q&A with the 49ers COO, find out how much dough a bowl could bring, and take a look back at the last Super Bowl in the Bay Area here.


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