Saturday, May 25, 2013

10 things business can learn from Star Trek

10 things business should learn from 'Star Trek'

News Director- Denver Business Journal
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Gene Roddenberry, creator of "Star Trek," knew something about organizational structure in challenging situations.
He trained as a police officer and later worked for the Los Angeles Police Department. He flew dozens of bomber missions in the Army Air Corps in World War II. And he was a commercial pilot after the war, helping to rescue several crew members and passengers who survived a plane crash in the Syrian desert.
"Star Trek" draws on many of Roddenberry's experiences -- the way people lead and follow, how they function under stress, the dynamics of conflict. And because of that, his trailblazing sci-fi TV and movie series offers lessons that could benefit business leaders.
Now, with "Star Trek Into Darkness," the latest film based on Roddenberry's work, rumbling into theaters, here are ways that Kirk, Spock and their team serve as business role models:
1) Don't surround yourself with people just like you.
Kirk and Spock could not be more different. Spock is emotionless (or tries to be) and spouts rules and regulations. Kirk is a swashbuckling commander who looks for rules to break. They make up for each other's weaknesses, pull each other toward the center, and are stronger together than apart. The key to making the relationship work is the unshakable trust both men have in each other.
2) Have someone close to you who isn't afraid to tell you off.
"Bones" McCoy is loyal to Kirk and an off-duty drinking buddy, but he doesn't shy away from telling his captain when he's wrong. And Kirk listens.
3) Put yourself in the middle of things.
If Kirk has an office on the starship Enterprise, we never see it. He spends his time in a chair in the middle of a circular room, surrounded by his top deputies. He is in touch with everything, and he is very approachable when his staff needs to bring him important information.
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Mark Harden directs print and digital news content for the Denver Business Journal and writes for the "Broadway & 17th" blog. Email: Phone: 303-803-9227.


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