Sunday, January 27, 2013

5 reasons why Narcissists rule the world

5 Reasons Narcissists Rule The World

24 Jan
It’s an unfortunate fact of life that many of the traits we think of as belonging to good people do not always lead to success while a number of unpleasant qualities can spur people into positions of leadership and influence. The term narcissism dates back to the Greek myth of the youth Narcissus who fell madly in love with a reflection of himself in a pool of water, and today it describes people who think particularly highly of themselves.
We find narcissists at all levels of society and in many different places, but narcissists have certain traits that position them very well to succeed.
1. Narcissists think highly of themselves.
They believe they are the best at whatever they do. A certain amount of confidence and self-esteem is needed for success, but narcissists take it to an extreme. Interestingly, some studies have shown that this is not necessarily borne out in reality. Narcissists are generally not smarter and better-looking than everyone else around them. They just believe it to be true, and apparently, that is enough to give them a head start.
2. Narcissists lack empathy.
Of course, many people who are highly empathetic achieve success. It’s certainly easier, though, to forge ahead through obstacles when one isn’t troubled by concerns about hurting others. Most positions of power involve making difficult decisions, and often what makes those decisions so difficult is worrying about the human cost. Narcissists are able to act purely in their own self-interest, and this propels them to greater power.
3. Narcissists are charismatic.
Great leaders generally can’t succeed just through confidence and arrogance, however. They also have to make people want to follow them, and despite their negative traits, narcissists are able to be very charming and charismatic when it suits them.
4. Narcissists are ruthless.
They will eliminate anyone they see as a threat. Non-narcissists might hesitate to step on others in the rise to the top, but a narcissist will take credit where credit is not due and use people in any way they view as necessary.
5. Narcissists are single-minded in pursuing selfish goals.
It’s necessary for anyone to stay focused on a goal to succeed, but most people temper that focus. They tend to have a mixed set of goals as opposed to purely selfish ones and to consider the impact of their pursuit of goals on loved ones. Narcissists have none of these considerations.
Who are some of the most prominent narcissists of today? Many people have described Donald Trump, Paris Hilton and Lance Armstrong as good examples of successful narcissists.
However, not all successful people are narcissists, and being a narcissist is not a requirement for success. The connection between success and narcissism may be best understood by thinking of the traits as occurring along a continuum in which narcissists exhibit the trait at its most negative and extreme. Still, it cannot be denied that our society rewards narcissism, and because success often does come from a combination of an enormous ego, a lack of empathy and ruthless attitude toward others, charm that can be turned on and off as needed and intense focus, narcissists are likely to continue to have advantages in the world.
Damon Peterson is a career counselor and guest author at Top Counseling Schools, where he has written guides to the Best Masters in Counseling Online.

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