YOU Are Responsible
But, you have to be willing to take 100% responsibility for your own life. This means absolutely NO blaming of other people or situations for the current circumstances in your life (which includes how you feel). This means no more saying things like, “he made me do it”, “I had no choice”, “She’s making me feel miserable”, “It’s not my fault”, “I didn’t do it”, “There’s nothing I can do”. I could go on and on!
I know this one might be tough. It certainly was for me. It’s only tough because you don’t know any other way. It might be tough but the rewards are amazing! Once you begin taking 100% responsibility for your life, nothing can knock you off balance. No one can ruin your day or make you unhappy.
If it’s so great to be responsible, why don’t we do it? Think about it. From the time we are born we are taught that someone else is responsible for us and our lives. As a kid, your parents were responsible for you. They decided just about everything for you. When you are in school, your teachers make many decisions for you. Same thing happens in college. Same thing happens on the job. Some of you have super controlling parents who STILL try to be responsible for you.
The reality is, once you reached adulthood, YOU were in charge of you but no one ever really lets you in on that. It can be a cold awakening when you do figure it out. It’s all about you. You are in charge. No one else can be blamed for the things in your life that you do not like.
I’m not at all saying that this is about blaming yourself if you are unhappy. What I’m saying is that you are 100% responsible. You created your current circumstances through your thoughts and the actions you took. Even if we are talking about something that really is out of your control (say some kind of natural disaster), you are still 100% responsible for YOU and how you respond to it.
Pay attention to when you are blaming or getting angry about a person or situation. When you notice this, stop for a moment and say to yourself, “I am responsible”. You are reminding yourself that no matter what is going on you have a choice in what you think and how you behave. No one else can determine that.
When you choose to think, “I am responsible” you immediately place yourself in a position of power and stop blaming. When you blame and make excuses, you are giving away your power. When you take 100% responsibility, you are in the driver’s seat. I don’t know about you, but I want to be in control of my life and not be bounced around on the waves of life.
Practice this and I promise you will feel calm and in control no matter what your circumstances. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you!
If you struggle with this and need some help, please reach out and let me know. I offer a 45 minute Take Your Power Back session for only $25. This offer is for first time clients only. Shoot me an email or give me a call and let’s get started. or 408-723-5290.
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