Saturday, December 31, 2011

This one is all me my thanks and wishes to my friends peeps because you got my back!

The end of the year is a time where many folks think and ponder and meditate. The new plan for the year I start each yes with 3 months to go so I build momentum. Heck that works for me but that is too much about me here is what will happen.

2012 wsill hold more hugs, more direct talk, much more listening, much l;ess talking, more eye contact we will bring sexy back (not the song but the spirit or vibe), more kisses, lots more belly laughs. Lets reach out for the sincere and move all noise out of the way to celebrate this moment right now
Love thrills and more to all

1 comment:

  1. I like your attitude, Alan! and I hope you are right about is time to get back to what is really important in life; at the end of the day it really is all about love and relationship -- with ourselves, with each other and with God. Many blessings to you in this new year, Alan!
