Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Twitter's not alone- 8 other Silicon Valley IPO companies have no women on board


Oct 8, 2013, 10:33am PDT Updated: Oct 8, 2013, 1:27pm PDT

Twitter's not alone - 8 other Silicon Valley IPO companies have no women on board

David Paul Morris
Dick Costolo, chief executive officer of Twitter Inc., made light of Twitter's all-female board, causing a PR headache for the microblogging site. But Twitter isn't the only Silicon Valley board lacking women.
Silicon Valley Business Journal
If only Twitter’s all-male board of directors was an anomaly among technology companies headed toward initial public offerings. The fact is that of the 13 Silicon Valley companies that have IPO’d this year, eight have no female board members.
Of that group, four have one female board member. Redwood City’s OncoMed Pharmaceuticals had the most with two.
Of the three remaining Valley companies waiting to launch, only one has any women on its board— textbook rental site Chegg, which bought on Facebook VP Marne Levine as part of its IPO announcement.
The remaining two, which lack any women board members, are pharmaceutical company Relypsa with eight board members and Barracuda Networks, a security and networking company, with 10.
Twitter’s monoculture board created PR problems Oct. 5, after Duke University researcher and entrepreneur Vivek Wadhwa noted the company’s diversity problem in a New York Times article.
Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, a former stand-up comic, made light of the issue, tweeting back with an insult. He called Wadhwa the Carrot Top of academics, comparing him to the much maligned prop comedian..
Costolo then told Wadhwa, who has a book coming out this year on the topic of women in tech, that bringing women onto the board can be an exercise in tokenism — just “checking a box.”
But would adding women to Twitter’s board really constitute empty theater?
The majority of the Twitter’s users are female. That means the company’s board is missing out on the first-hand perspective of its largest user segment.
A white paper on the topic by entrepreneur and investor Cindy Padnos also found that women-operated, venture-backed high tech companies average 12 percent higher annual revenues. They also use on average one-third less capital than male counterparts' startups.
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Lauren Hepler covers economic development, sports, and hospitality for the Silicon Valley Business Journal. She can be reached at 408.299.1820
Shana Lynch is Managing Editor at the Business Journal. Her phone number is 408.299.1831.

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