Thursday, October 24, 2013

Vast Abundance

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Vast abundance

You have much more than you can ever possibly realize. Life
is a process of connecting with deeper and deeper levels of
value that have always been there, and always will.

Does it ever seem that the world has passed you by, or that
there are just no opportunities for you? Then it's time to
move to a more profound and fulfilling level.

You are capable of much more than you have yet attempted.
Fill your heart with goodness, make the commitment to
express that goodness, and there will be a way.

The reason you get stuck is not because you have too little.
It is because you expect too little.

The way to expect more, at your deepest level, is to make
the commitment to give more goodness to life. Make that
commitment, and suddenly new, exciting possibilities come
into view.

Think for a moment, and realize that always, there is
something good you can give. In that simple thought you know
without a doubt that life's vast abundance is always
available to you.


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