Monday, October 7, 2013

QBQ 5-favorite quick notes

Personal Accountability: Doing My Job

Posted by John G. Miller
Enter the give-away below to be eligible to win an audio CD of the book …
Do you job
I asked Molly, our twentysomething daughter, who has served as captain of soccer and basketball teams, “Molly, in your opinion, what makes an effective team?” I was honestly just curious what she’d say; it wasn’t like I was doing book research! But I loved her answer: “Everyone taking care of their own stuff, Dad. Everybody working hard at doing their job.” I appreciated her thought so much, it went into Outstanding! under the chapter titled, “Work!” (more…)

Flip the Switch: Eliminate Exclusion

Posted by John G. Miller
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The colorful image above shows us that even M&M candies can engage in … EXCLUSION!

In Flipping the Switch, the companion book to QBQ!, we teach five “Roadblocks to Learning.” One of them is Exclusion, and it’s all about when we, based on our faulty assumptions of people around us, fail to learn from them.
My story: (more…)

Personal Accountability: Fixing Me!

Posted by John G. Miller
Don’t miss our give-away in the blog piece below this one. Win a signed copy of …
QBQ! The Question Behind the Question
When I do a radio, TV, or podcast interview, I’m often asked this question:
“John, what is the number one take-away for people who read the QBQ! book or go through a ‘Personal Accountability and the QBQ!’ training session?”
I always answer, “Oh, that’s easy: I can only change me.” (more…)

Want Change? Lose the Consultants, Ask QBQs

Posted by John G. Miller
Enter the give-away below and be eligible to win a signed copy of …
QBQ! The Question Behind the Question
cartoon organizational-culture
After 28 years of calling on senior executives, I want to scream …
I just returned from speaking on “Personal Accountability and the QBQ!” in Europe. In my travels, I met several people who told me their employer currently has “change management” consultants* (Old joke: A consultant is someone who borrows my watch and tells me what time it is!) roaming their hallways, holding small employee meetings, and leading executives to and through mountaintop retreats.
And my guess is, the consultants are working from a definition of “organizational culture” that sounds something like this: (more…)

5 Lessons Learned When I Quit Making Excuses

Posted by John G. Miller
Enter our giveaway and maybe win a signed copy of the QBQ! companion book, Flipping the Switch … Unleash the Power of Personal Accountability
Ancient proverb: “A man resembling a beached whale must travel a journey beginning with a single step.”
WL journey final
When I saw the picture on the far left seconds after it was taken April 8, 2012, I knew a “first step” was needed. The next day—at 195 pounds—my journey began …

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