Friday, October 25, 2013

Pet Costumes for Halloween

Animals in costumesPet Costumes for Halloween

Do you dress your pets up for Halloween? If you do, do you match your costume?
It’s ok, we won’t tell anyone.
There are a lot of costumes available for small and medium sized dogs, and there are costumes for cats, but we’ve never met a cat that would put up with wearing a costume.
So, today, we’ll offer some tips to make the experience a positive one for your pet.
Veterinarian Dr. Marty Baker recommends
  1. If your pet is shy, don’t try dressing it up as it could be too stressful.
  2. Choose a costume that fits well. It shouldn’t restrict your pet’s movement, hearing or vision, or irritate his skin or fur. Your pet should be able to bark, meow and breathe normally while wearing it.
  3. Choose a costume that can be seen easily in the dark.
  4. Choose a costume with safety in mind. It shouldn’t have any buttons, beads, fringe, ties or other parts that could be chewed off and swallowed.
  5. Choose a costume that your pet doesn’t mind wearing.
  6. Try the costume on your pet well before Halloween to check for fit and comfort.
  7. Limit the amount of time your pet spends wearing the costume.
  8. Ensure your pet has a collar with a name tag on it. Halloween is the second biggest holiday for pets running out and getting lost (4th of July is the first)
And if you really want to get inspired, here are some websites with unusual pet costumes.
We hope you have a great weekend. What are your plans? Anything fun?

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