Thursday, October 3, 2013

Let possibilities in

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Let in the possibilities

When you can let go of the need for something, you are much
closer to attaining it. Move beyond the need, and you move
into the reality of whatever you desire.

By very definition, as long as you need it, you don't have
it. More to the point, as long as you see yourself as
needing it, you're not seeing yourself as having it.

Choose instead to see yourself as already living the reality
of whatever you wish to have in your life. Then, choose to
more fully implement and express that reality each day with
your thoughts, feelings, words and actions.

Realize that whatever you desire is already yours in many
important ways. Understand that you do not have to need it
because you can already begin to live it whenever you

To the extent that you feel need, you fill your mind with
thoughts of lack and limitation. A much more empowering
choice is to lovingly and gratefully accept each day as it
is, and to open yourself to the countless possibilities for
fulfilling your highest desires.

Let go of the needs and let in those possibilities. Let go
of the needs and let your life be filled with richness and


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