Thursday, October 24, 2013

Disability policies and tax


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Here are three extremely important questions that every business owner should know the answers to . . .
1. Do you have disability insurance?
2. Is your disability protection a traditional disability income policy or a disability "overhead expense" policy?
3. If you become disabled, do you have to pay self-employment taxes on the benefits you receive?
You'll find detailed answers to these questions, in easy-to-understand language, when you read my new, free article titled Are Overhead Disability Monies Subject to Self-Employment Taxes?
Three ways our fact-filled article can help you:
1. You'll learn what an "overhead disability policy" has to offer. This unique type of disability policy is a contract that reimburses certain overhead expenses in the event of a disability. You'll find out more when you Read the FREE article.
2. We'll explain the tax treatment of overhead policy benefits. The fact is, the tax implications for overhead policy benefits are not often written about. However, the IRS has specifically addressed these types of policies in its rulings. We'll tell you what they have to say when you Read the FREE article.
3. You'll meet Charles and learn from his personal experience. Charles owned his own business (an LLC) and was doing fine until he was injured and couldn't work. Luckily, he was covered by an overhead disability policy. You'll how he handled his tricky tax situation when you Read the FREE article.
To get started, CLICK HERE. You'll get a no-obligation 7-day FREE trial during which you can read, not only the article I mentioned above, but all of our helpful tax-saving tips from the last two months. This trial is absolutely free and there are no strings attached. That's a personal promise.
W. Murray Bradford, CPA
Tax Reduction Letter
Toll-free: (877) 829-9673


Bradford Tax Institute
Editorial: 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 300  ·  Washington, DC 20006
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