Monday, October 7, 2013

Current posts from Keith Ferrazzi

Keith at Techonomy Detroit: The New People Rules in a Virtual World

Keith's talk at Techonomy in Detroit about ongoing Greenlight Research Institute research into new people rules for an increasingly virtual world. The idea is to counteract the worst case scenario for organizations that do nothing to accommodate teams that don't meet face to face: 90 percent decrease in your innovative capabilities, 80 percent decrease in trust in a fully virtual team, and 60 percent less likely to be on time and on budget for those fully virtual projects.

Annual Account Strategies Drive Performance ... Or Do They?

We're now putting the final touches on a Ferrazzi Greenlight bookshelf offering, titled Everybody Sells , from which this is excerpted. By Jeff Kaplan I’ve never seen a major sales group that didn’t subject itself to a process that turns out to be one of the most universally consistent wastes of energy in sales management: the annual account plan. In most cases it’s an...

The Social Capitalist ‘Hack’ for Always Having the Answer

Many of us strive to become the company’s go-to problem solver – the one with all the answers – hoping that will be the ticket to the top of the business hierarchy. Rohit Bhargava, author of Likeonomics: The Unexpected Truth Behind Earning Trust, Influencing Behavior, and Inspiring Action, sees things differently. Rather than having the answer to a problem, he says, it’s about...

'Networking' Is Creepy? Only If You Do It Wrong

We're now putting the final touches on a Ferrazzi Greenlight bookshelf offering, titled Everybody Sells , from which this is excerpted. By Jeff Kaplan Almost all sales professionals can smell the difference between authentic interactions and fake friendliness. And it’s no surprise that most people we’re selling to spot the difference, too. The people we meet who employ...

Setting the Stage for Follow-Up

When Jodi Glickman, author of Great on the Job: What to Say, How to Say it. The Secrets of Getting Ahead , joined us on the Social Capitalist, she shared her thoughts on how to be generous in different situations. Here, she discusses the importance of creating forward momentum in all your communication. The way that I teach it is there is always some low-hanging fruit that you...

Hero to Zero

We're now putting the final touches on a Ferrazzi Greenlight Bookshelf offering, titled Everybody Sells, from which this is excerpted. No longer is “Quarterly Hero” the best you can hope for. Learn how you can be the Ongoing Superhero, a role where you can sustain your success and your customers’ success over a much longer period.


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