Sunday, April 24, 2011

Book tips

My friends I read two books this weekend that I enjoyed and wanted to share this with you as good reads that challanged my thinking (I like this!).

The Happiness Project- Gretchen Rubin- she spent 1-year doing things that brought joy and happiness to her life. The book went through the minutia a lttiel much for you but it made me think more about why do so many things that are part of our day, the proverbial to do list, out of habit and should invest more in singing, cleaning out the clutter, reading more books, watching a favorite movie, walks whatever it is that brings you joy!

The second book was The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet [
Robb Wolf - I admit wanting to live well and live longer. I have 4 friends who have been on this plan for 1-year  and 3 of them are far more vibrant than before and 1 has had good results. I wonder what you think about these two books? Have you read them?? I am researching with a nutrionist and a MD before I make my decision.

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