Monday, October 29, 2012

Just keep swimming... Just keep swimming!
Swimming in open water from Alcatraz to San Francisco seems like a big deal… unless you’re John Jeha, loan officer in the Mortgage California Walnut Creek branch. 
With the determination only a loan officer in the last 5 years can have, John Jeha made a commitment a few years ago and stuck with it.  He committed to competing in (and completing) 50 endurance athletic events in 50 weeks for his 50th birthday.  He not only accomplished his goal, he raised money throughout for The Challenged Athlete Foundation.
John began swimming competitively more than 40 years ago, and started swimming in open water competitions about 30 years ago.  Cold-water swimming is any form of swimming that would be extreme in terms of distance, water temperature or water conditions done in the cold.  Typically standard swim wear is used – no wet suits. 
After college, he started participating in Triathlons and has completed over 200 to date, including seven Ironman distance races.  He also competed in the World Championship Ironman in Hawaii twice and the Half Ironman World Championship in Clearwater Florida twice. 
John’s cold water swimming has included swimming in the bay from Alcatraz over 60 times (the water temperature has ranged from 48 to 63!), as well as the span of the Golden Gate from San Francisco to Marin.  His longest swim to date was from Candlestick Point to Aquatic Park – a distance of 11.5 miles.  He’s also swim the width of Lake Tahoe (11 miles) and Donner Lake (5.4 miles).  All of these swims have been done with pilots in kayaks and/or motorized support boards (zodiacs or small 15-20 foot boats).
While he’s swimming and biking and running himself, he also finds time to coach a Masters Swim Practice twice a week for novice adult swimmers and triathletes.  On September 7, 2012, he took 5 swimmers from his group (who 2 years ago could barely swim across a pool) to Alcatraz and they all swam from “The Rock” to The City, navigating currents, tides and ship traffic. 
“Coaching and teaching is a great love of mine and the accomplishments of these swimmers is one of the highlights of my coaching career,” says John.
His next personal challenge is to achieve membership in the Triple Crown of Open Water Swimming, which includes 21 miles across the English Channel, 21 miles across the Catalina Channel and 28.5 miles around the island of Manhattan in New York.


 (now with 3 young sons) and move back to where she and her husband grew up – the Azores in Portugal.  The lived there for two years before eventually returning to California.
Arie and her family eventually settled in San Jose, and happened into a job at WAMU as a setup associate.  She quickly moved to pricing, and eventually became an assistant to one of the top producing reps – you may remember him… his name is Dave Lindsay.
A few years ago, Arie was hired as a loan officer assistant by a former loan officer at Princeton Capital.  When that was coming to an end, she heard about the new Appraisal Department Desk position.  She applied, and the rest is history! 
“Four years later I can honestly say I love my job… it certainly has its moments, but not a day goes by that I don’t feel good about having played a small part in helping people achieve the dream of owning their own home,” Arie said recently.  “I’m lucky that I work with a great group of people, have a strong support system at home and get to have Christmas off!”


This Girl Was Made for Walking
With a special “Thank You” to all her supporters, Kathleen finished her 3-day 60-mile walk with team K&K last month. 
“The camaraderie and show of strength was so moving,” Kathleen said, “I can’t wait to do it again!”
Her fundraising was a success – she raised $3,665 for cancer research.  Her plan for dry, unblistered feet was also a success – she finished the walk and was none the worse for wear.
Several of her friends from RMR Financial came to cheer her on during her last day… and she kept her friends and family updated along the way with texts and occasional Facebook updates.  “It was great to feel so much support from friends and strangers alike.  It was hard, but it was so fun!”
Kathleen plans to walk again next year in the San Diego walk.

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